Go on a doughnut crawl and discover the best glazed, cream-filled and jelly delights in New York City. Here are the tastiest doughnuts, in our humble opinion. Ready, set, eat.
The 21 Most Amazing Doughnuts in NYC, Ranked

21. Ho-dduk (korean Doughnuts) From Grace Street
Cinnamon + walnuts + melted brown sugar = heaven.
17 W. 32nd St. (at Fifth Ave.); bygracestreet.com
20. Nutella Cherry At Du's Donuts & Coffee
When a molecular gastronomist opens a doughnut shop, everyone wins.
107 N. 12th St. (at Wythe Ave.), Brooklyn; 718-215-8770 or dusdonuts.com
19. Glazed From Gregorys Coffee
And if you want to get really crazy, try the whole-wheat glazed.
Locations throughout Manhattan; 212-661-1722 or gregoryscoffee.com
18. Jelly From 7th Avenue Donuts Luncheonette
So worth the trek to Park Slope. It has real food, too, but definitely start with dessert.
324 Seventh Ave. (at Ninth St.), Brooklyn; 718-768-0748 or 7thavenuedonutsanddiner.com
17. Everything Bagel Cream Cheese Doughnut From Flex Mussels
Guys, there’s this new thing called savory doughnuts, and they’re incredible.
Locations in the West Village and on the Upper East Side; 212-229-0222 or flexmussels.com
16. Black And White Boston Cream From The Donut Pub
See? New York and Boston can get along.
203 W. 14th St. (at Seventh Ave.); 212-929-0126 or donutpub.com
15. Purple Pig From Doughnuttery
This bite-sized treat is made with maple, purple potatoes and bacon—but hear us out: It’s fantastic.
425 W. 15th St. (at Tenth Ave.); 212-633-4359 or doughnuttery.com
14. Pistachio From Balthazar Boulangerie
Crunchy, sweet and unique.
80 Spring St. (at Crosby St.); 212-965-1785 or balthazarbakery.com
13. Jelly Pom-pom From Mike's Donuts
Oozing with deliciousness. (Get extra napkins.)
6822 Fifth Ave. (at Bay Ridge Ave.), Brooklyn; 718-745-6980 or mikesdonuts.com
12. Black-raspberry Filled Chocolate At Orwashers Bakery
It’s so decadent, you might want to cut this guy in half.
308 E. 78th St. (at Second Ave.); 212-288-6569 or orwasherbakery.com
11. Cereal Cake Doughnut From Queens Comfort
The zany flavors at this Astoria staple change regularly, but our favorite has to be one of the cereal-topped beauties.
3618 30th Ave. (at 37th St.), Queens; 718-721-3800 or queenscomfort.com

10. Butter Pecan From Pies 'n' Thighs
Come for the fried chicken, stay for the doughnuts.
166 S. Fourth St. (at Driggs Ave.), Brooklyn; 347-529-6090 or piesnthighs.com
9. Banana Milk From Underwest Donuts
What’s banana milk, you ask? No idea, but it’s delicious.
638 W. 47th St. (at 12th Ave.); 212-317-2359 or underwestdonuts.com
8. Cruller At Daily Provisions
These gorgeously swirled beauties are as delicious as they are Instagrammable.
103 E. 19th St. (at Park Ave. S.); 212-488-1505 or dailyprovisions.com
7. Glazed Pineapple From Dun-well Doughnuts
Oh, and they’re vegan. Yep. You heard us.
222 Montrose Ave. (at Bushwick Ave.), Brooklyn, 347-294-0871, and 102 St. Marks Place (at First Ave.), 646-998-5492; dunwelldoughnuts.com
6. Vanilla Bomboloni At Sullivan Street Bakery
This filled doughnut dusted with confectioners’ sugar will transport you to Italy.
533 W. 47th St. (at 11th Ave.); 212-265-5580 or sullivanstreetbakery.com
5. Maple Bacon From The Doughnut Project
Looking for a traditional doughnut? Sorry, you won’t find it here. This crazy combo of salty and sweet is not for the faint of heart.
10 Morton St. (at Bleecker St.), 212-691-5000, and 912 Seventh Ave. (at W. 58th St.), 646-756-4232; thedoughnutproject.com
4. Brioche Doughnut From Mah-ze-dahr Bakery
These cream-filled delights reach a level of fluffiness that was previously considered scientifically impossible.
28 Greenwich Ave. (at W. 10th St.); 212-498-9810 or mahzedahrbakery.com
3. Hibiscus From Dough
A work of art on a plate, complete with an edible flower.
Locations in Manhattan and Brooklyn; 212-243-6844 or doughdoughnuts.com
2. Coconut From Peter Pan Donut & Pastry Shop
We’re deeply considering moving to Greenpoint just for this little guy.
727 Manhattan Ave. (at Norman Ave.), Brooklyn; 718-389-3676 or peterpandonuts.com
1. Crème Brûlée From Doughnut Plant
One of the best things about New York City—up there with the Empire State Building and Beyoncé.
Locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens; 212-505-3700 or doughnutplant.com