Assembling the perfect cheese plate doesn’t have to be hard. But if you can’t pronounce all the different cheese types, who knows what type of fromage you’ll end up taking home. Here, 15 cheeses you might be mispronouncing and how to get them right.
15 Cheese Names You're Probably Pronouncing Wrong
From Gouda to Gruyère

The wrong way: Gow-da
The right way: Goo-da
Nutty and buttery—tastes great with Merlot.

The wrong way: Cam-em-bert
The right way: Cam-mem-bear
The taste is milky and sweet. And bonus, you can eat the rind.

The wrong way: By
The right way: Bree
It’s light with a salty finish—the best way to distinguish it from Camembert.

The wrong way: Groy-err
The right way: Groo-yair
Sweet, earthy and goes great with a crisp Sauv Blanc.

The wrong way: Rock-fort
The right way: Roke-fort
This French blue cheese is tangy and sharp. Bring to room temp before you serve.

The wrong way: Man-chee-go
The right way: Man-chay-go
Fruity and slightly acidic, this Spanish cheese pairs well with dessert wines.

The wrong way: Mass-car-pone
The right way: Mass-car-pone-ay
A little bit creamy and a little bit sour. Whisk it into a creamy dip.

The wrong way: As-age-o
The right way: Ah-zhee-ah-go
FYI, there are two types: One is smooth, the other is crumbly.

The wrong way: Chev-ree
The right way: Shev-rah
This goat cheese tastes both earthy and tart. Serve with a bottle of red.

The wrong way: Tah-leg-ee-oh
The right way: Tah-ledge-ee-oh
Mild with a fruity tang, this soft cheese is great smeared on a baguette.

The wrong way: Jar-les-burg
The right way: Yarls-burg
This Swiss cheese is nutty and buttery. It’s also a crowd-pleaser.

The wrong way: Burr-ah-ta
The right way: Boo-rah-ta
Creamy and milky, this cheese pairs nicely with prosciutto.

The wrong way: Fay-ta
The right way: Feh-ta
Salty, with just the right amount of tanginess. Put out beside a dish of nuts.

The wrong way: Pro-vo-lone-ay
The right way: Pro-vah-lone
This cheese is sharp and spicy. It also goes great with sweet relish or jam.

The wrong way: Mut-za-rell
The right way: Mott-sah-rell-lah
Creamy and soft. Serve with sliced tomatoes.