
25 Healthy Late-Night Snacks to Satisfy Midnight Cravings

Step away from the leftover pizza

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healthy midnight snacks: sweet potato hummus with crispbread
Photo: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

Despite your best efforts to get a good night’s sleep (read: hitting the hay at 10 p.m., preparing healthy dinner recipes, taking an Instagram hiatus and keeping your phone off the nightstand), there’s one crucial factor that keeps you tossing and turning: You’re hungry.

Instead of raiding the kitchen for whatever leftovers you can find and eating them by the light of the refrigerator (looking at you, chicken wings), consider these better-for-you, late-night snacks that won’t give you a stomachache before bed. Here are the 25 best healthy midnight snacks that I’d eat any time of day.

65 Clean-Eating Dinner Recipes for the New Year and Beyond

Meet the Experts

Is It Unhealthy to Eat Late at Night?

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t eat right before bed. “This is inherently problematic,” explains Felicia Stoler, registered dietitian, nutritionist and exercise physiologist. “Late-night foods should not spend too much time in the stomach [because they can] potentially cause reflux.”

If you absolutely *need* a midnight snack, Stoler recommends having something balanced with protein, carbs and not too much fat to hold you over through the night. “Yogurt, milk (plain or flavored), cottage cheese and nut butters are examples of ideal late-night foods because they have all three macronutrients, are easily digestible (meaning they spend the least amount of time in your stomach and can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream to maintain overnight blood glucose levels),” she explains. Skip anything acidic, robustly seasoned, spicy, high in fat or high in sugar, and stick to a small portion.

Ready to nosh? Here's a sneak peek of 25 nutritionist-approved healthy midnight snacks to eat whenever (including before bed, if you must):

1. Hummus with Whole Grain Crackers or Veggies

  • Calories: ~180 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: 2 tablespoons hummus with up to six whole grain crackers or a cup of veggies
  • Key Nutrients: vitamin B6, folate, fiber

I knew there was a reason I loved chickpeas. “They're packed with protein—three grams for every two tablespoons,” says Daryl Gioffre, a New York City-based functional nutritionist and author. “Chickpeas are high in lysine, and tahini is a rich source of the amino acid methionine. Individually, [chickpeas and tahini] are incomplete proteins, but when you combine them to make hummus, they create a complete protein.”

Why are complete proteins so important, you ask? They keep you full, which means no more tossing and turning over a rumbly stomach. “For a late night snack, you can use hummus as a dip for raw veggies or Ezekiel bread,” says Gioffre. Don’t mind if I do.

2. Oatmeal

  • Calories: ~150 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: ½ cup dry oats
  • Key Nutrients: B vitamins, iron, magnesium

You probably associate oatmeal with the early morning hours, but it has plenty of nighttime benefits, too. For starters, oats are a complex carb that breaks down slowly, controlling blood sugar spikes that might mess with your sleep. And if you find a warm bowl of oatmeal cozy and soothing, you’re not alone. According to a Columbia University study, the carbs actually work with your brain to release the neurotransmitter serotonin, which coaxes you into a tranquil state and helps your body produce melatonin for a restful night of sleep.

3. Popcorn

  • Calories: ~100 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: 3 cups air-popped popcorn
  • Key Nutrients: B vitamins, fiber

You’re trying to quell a craving, not put yourself in a full-on food coma. That’s where popcorn comes into play. The crisp, salty snack is naturally light (a whopping three-cup serving clocks in at about 100 calories), so you can nosh without getting weighed down before bed. As long as it's not covered in butter and salt, it's a solid choice. Oh, and there’s also the complex carb factor again; a whole-grain, healthy midnight snack will stick to your ribs much longer than a cookie or bowl of ice cream. Invest in an air popper, which will pop the corn kernels with—you guessed it—air instead of oil or butter.

4. Low-Fat Greek Yogurt and Fruit

  • Calories: ~130 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: 6 ounces yogurt with ½ cup berries
  • Key Nutrients: calcium, vitamin D, protein

You already know that Greek yogurt is a great source of protein, but did you know it could help you catch ZZZs? The calcium in yogurt helps your brain use tryptophan and melatonin, and one University of Pennsylvania sleep study even suggests that it can help you stay asleep longer. Instead of loading up on sugary sweetener, which can potentially throw your blood sugar out of whack, top your bowl with fresh fruit and crunchy chia seeds. (Oh, and if you’re prone to heartburn and indigestion, which can be caused by fatty foods, stick to a low-fat option.)

5. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

  • Calories: ~200 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: one slice whole-grain bread with 1 tablespoon each of peanut butter and jelly
  • Key Nutrients: vitamin E, magnesium, protein

Who knew your childhood favorite was actually a prime midnight snack? Here’s why: According to the National Sleep Foundation, peanut butter is a natural source of tryptophan (aka an amino acid that induces sleepiness), and carbohydrates make tryptophan more available to the brain. Consider the combination of protein-rich peanut butter and complex carbs pure bedtime magic. Oh, and as far as healthy snacks for kids go, the PB&J is among the most beloved.

6. Pumpkin Seeds

  • Calories: ~150 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: 1 ounce (about ¼ cup)
  • Key Nutrients: magnesium, zinc, iron

What’s salty, crunchy and a surefire way to put you to sleep? Pumpkin seeds, of course. According to the American Sleep Association, these are a good source of the sleep-inducing mineral magnesium and the amino acid tryptophan. They're also packed with zinc, which can help the brain convert tryptophan into serotonin. Not to mention they're satisfyingly crunchy and savory to boot.

7. Bananas and Peanut Butter

  • Calories: ~200 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: one small banana with 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • Key Nutrients: potassium, vitamin B6, healthy fats

Remember how your high school track coach told you to eat bananas to prevent or soothe leg cramps? That’s because the fruit contains potassium, which aids muscle relaxation. Combine it with peanut butter for a winning midnight snack, since it's not only delicious, but also full of healthy fats to keep you satisfied, says the Cleveland Clinic. And while you could certainly slap some PB on a ripe banana and call it a day, why not make a healthy, two-ingredient ice cream-like treat out of the combo?

8. Nuts

  • Calories: ~200 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: ¼ cup mixed nuts
  • Key Nutrients: vitamin E, magnesium, healthy fats

When it’s late at night, you don’t want to do much work for a snack. A small handful of nuts fits the no-cook bill, thanks to their high protein content and healthy fats. Gioffre says that nuts (specifically organic ones) “are nutritional powerhouses that can help regulate blood sugar level, fight inflammation, decrease hunger urges, help weight loss and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.” His go-tos? “Raw almonds, pistachios and macadamias. [They're] high in healthy fats, they suppress hunger, optimize brain function and help you burn fat.”

Plus, according to the National Sleep Foundation, almonds and walnuts specifically contain the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. Just make sure you stick to a handful and not the whole bag—that works out to about 200 calories per quarter cup, give or take.

healthy midnight snacks: almond butter
Photo: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

9. Almond Butter

  • Calories: ~100 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: 1 tablespoon
  • Key Nutrients: vitamin E, magnesium, calcium

Speaking of nuts, almond butter is an equally convenient grab-and-go option. And considering that a quarter cup of almonds contains 24 percent of your daily recommended magnesium intake, plus tryptophan and potassium, they’re a no-brainer for late night hunger pangs. Magnesium is a great relaxation mineral too, so it'll help you wind down as bedtime approaches. Almond butter also boasts heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals, which are good for you any time of day, according to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. As long as the almond butter you choose is raw and free of added sugar, it has all the benefits of whole almonds.

10. Turkey Sandwich

  • Calories: ~200 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: one slice whole-grain bread with 2 ounces turkey
  • Key Nutrients: protein, B vitamins

You’ll never forget when your Uncle Bill fell asleep at the table last Thanksgiving. It was potentially thanks to the turkey, which is known for being rich in serotonin-producing tryptophan. That’s exactly what makes it a smart midnight snack. Pair it with whole-grain bread to sneak in some complex carbs (you can also go the route of jasmine rice or sweet potatoes, says Northwestern Medicine), or keep it low-cal with a lettuce wrap instead.

11. Low-Fat Cottage Cheese

  • Calories: ~90 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: ½ cup
  • Key Nutrients: calcium, protein, vitamin B12

Cottage cheese got a bad rap for being a bland weight loss staple back in the day, but it’s a hidden gem for insomniacs—not to mention tasty. The lean protein (which comes from slow-digesting casein) helps boost that aforementioned serotonin and, according to a recent study by Cambridge University, can actually help you hit your weight loss goals while you sleep by helping you feel more satiated and increasing your resting energy expenditure the next morning. Want to boost the snooze factor? Top a half-cup serving with raspberries for a 100-calorie midnight snack with a touch of melatonin.

12. Edamame

  • Calories: ~100 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: ½ cup
  • Key Nutrients: protein, fiber, folate

Memorize this equation: Protein plus fiber equals the best sleep of your life. Edamame (aka soybeans in their pods) have both going for them, so they're a natural choice when you need a quick bite. And specific compounds in soy, called soy isoflavones, have been found to potentially increase the duration of sleep, according to this Japanese study.

13. Eggs

  • Calories: ~70 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: 1 large egg
  • Key Nutrients: vitamin B12, protein, choline

By now, you can probably guess why eggs are a healthy midnight snack: They’re protein-rich and full of tryptophan. The American Sleep Association says they might make you sleepy for that reason, but I also love that they’re portioned and packaged for easy eating. Plus, you already have a stash of jammy eggs in your fridge for salads and healthy breakfasts, right?

14. Cheese and Crackers

  • Calories: ~150 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: four to five whole grain crackers and 1 ounce cheese
  • Key Nutrients: calcium, protein, vitamin A

When it comes to sleep, cheese is a surprisingly sound choice. That’s because it’s high in calcium, which has been tied to better sleep. It’s also loaded with protein, plus some tryptophan and melatonin for good measure. Pair a few slices of cheese with whole-grain crackers, sprouted bread or apple for the ultimate protein-carb combination.

15. Avocado Toast

  • Calories: ~200 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: one slice whole-grain bread with ¼ avocado
  • Key Nutrients: potassium, vitamin E, healthy fats

Good news for anyone who worships at the avo toast altar: Dr. Gioffre calls the fruit (yep, it’s a fruit) “God’s butter.” That’s because it has “a nice balance of healthy fats, more potassium than bananas and plenty of fiber to keep your digestion in check.” Want to bring it up a notch? Dr. Gioffre suggests making your toast with sprouted bread, tomato, extra-virgin olive oil, sea salt and black pepper.

16. Fresh Vegetables

  • Calories: ~50 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: 1 cup mixed veggies
  • Key Nutrients: vitamins A, C and K, fiber

You can never go wrong with raw veggies. The trick is making them exciting enough so that you actually want to eat them. (This roasted red pepper sauce will do just that, but you can also lean on whatever dressing you have stowed away in the fridge.) The only caveat? Steer clear of produce that contains a ton of fiber, like carrots and beets, to avoid being bloated and gassy before bed, says Sleep Health Solutions. Cruciferous veggies, like broccoli and cauliflower, are also best avoided late at night because they contain a large amount of insoluble fiber. Instead, go for lettuce, kale, tomatoes and fruits, like kiwi and cherries.

17. Guacamole

  • Calories: ~150 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: ¼ cup
  • Key Nutrients: vitamins C and E, potassium, healthy fats

If avocado toast is on the to-snack list, then so is guacamole. As Gioffre stated above, avocado's healthy fats will keep you full and its potassium content could help you sleep better. Additional ingredients in the guac can also boost your slumber: Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, which aids in heart and bone health, as well as sleep-inducing potassium, while tryptophan-rich onions can help lower your stress level and aid in relaxation. (Just go light on the lime juice, onions and jalapeños if you have acid reflux or indigestion.) For a twist on the dip, try this avocado hummus that boasts two nutritionist-recommended staples in one creamy package. Dip pita chips, cherry tomatoes or crackers, or sneak a spoonful and call it a night.

18. Smoothie

  • Calories: ~180 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: 8 ounces (1 cup)
  • Key Nutrients: vitamins C and K, folate, protein

Why should mornings get to have all the fun? Smoothies can be sipped at night too, and they're as healthy as whatever you put in them. Blending many sleep-inspiring foods, like tart cherry juice, pistachios and avocado, could help you reach maximum coziness. If you use kefir or yogurt in the smoothie, the probiotics could potentially help the release of serotonin in your brain, says nutrition expert Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN. Add magnesium-rich hemp or chia seeds for even more sleep support.

The avocado and chia seeds in this green smoothie will keep you feeling full, while the banana and Granny Smith apple make it naturally sweet enough to satisfy a late-night craving. Or, if you’re feeling lazy (no judgment), try a smoothie starter like Bumpin Blends, of which founder Lisa Mastela, MPH, RD, says, “No more wilted spinach judging you in the back of your fridge, huge messes or not-so-delicious concoctions. Just dietitian-developed, healthy, crave-worthy smoothies in seconds.”

19. Veggie Chips

  • Calories: ~130 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: 1 ounce (about 20 to 25 chips)
  • Key Nutrients: fiber, vitamins A and C (depending on the vegetable)

My kryptonite: potato chips. I can eat a million of 'em without even blinking, but sleeping after all that salt and oil leaves me feeling bloated and greasy. Luckily, these zucchini alternatives are just as crisp and tasty, minus the frying. But there are a slew of other vitamin-rich types to snack on too, like turnip chips, carrot chips and sweet potato chips. As long as they're baked instead of fried (or air-fried without oil), they're a solid option, says Sleep Advisor.

20. Sweet Potato Fries

  • Calories: ~180 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: one medium sweet potato, baked
  • Key Nutrients: vitamin A, potassium, fiber

I've never met a French fry I didn't like, but since these are baked instead of fried, they contain way less fat and are less fussy to prepare. They're also made with sweet potatoes, which contain a ton of vitamins and minerals, plus a bit of protein to hold you over before bedtime. But most importantly, they're teeming with relaxing potassium, magnesium and calcium, especially if you leave their skin on. Their carb content will make it easier for your brain to absorb the tryptophan, which will then be converted to serotonin-producing niacin.

21. Beef Jerky

  • Calories: ~100 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: 1 ounce
  • Key Nutrients: protein, iron, zinc

Protein is the way to go when you feel a late-night craving coming on, as long as you don't consume too much of it. Eating a large portion before bed may keep your body up longer than you'd like for the sake of digestion, plus too much pre-bedtime protein may give you a surplus of energy before hitting the hay. But if you're craving something savory and filling, it's OK to have a small piece or two. Jerky is a great source of protein and iron; just note that it can also be high in sodium, since it's typically cured in a salt solution. So, you shouldn't nosh on it 24/7, especially if you have high blood pressure. Make your own in advance instead of leaning on store-bought processed jerky, if you're feeling ambitious.

22. Cereal and Milk

  • Calories: ~150 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: ¾ cup cereal with ½ cup milk
  • Key Nutrients: calcium, vitamin D, iron

Like oatmeal, cereal is just as good for you at night as it is first thing in the morning. Since many corn-based cereals contain high-glycemic carbs, they could potentially reduce the time it takes for you to fall asleep. Even better, milk is a great source of calcium, a mineral that's essential for the production of melatonin. Choose something with minimal sugar and use low-fat milk to keep the calories low and to make the meal more digestible. (You could even try meal prepping a batch of this six-ingredient Paleo cinnamon toast cereal to have on hand.)

23. White Rice

  • Calories: ~100 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: ½ cup cooked
  • Key Nutrients: magnesium, protein (minimal)

White rice's high glycemic index means that it will give your blood sugar and insulin a natural boost, consequently helping the tryptophan lull your brain to sleep, says the American Sleep Association. Not to mention that rice is high in magnesium, which also aids in sleep, and it's easy to digest, according to dietitian Samina Qureshi, RD. Want to make it even more satisfying and soothing? Pair it with green tea broth and even salmon, if you're feeling extra hungry—fatty fish's high levels of vitamin D may help improve the quality of your sleep, too.

24. Sorbet

  • Calories: ~100 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: ½ cup
  • Key Nutrients: vitamin C (depending on the fruit)

For those nights when your heart cries "ice cream," but your brain says "I can do better." Sorbet tends to be lower in fat than dairy ice cream, but just as high in sugar. Finding a sugar-free one—or better yet, making your own from pure fruit—is important to make sure you don't get a sugar rush before hitting the pillow. (On that note, a 2014 study found that a diet high in sugar was linked to poor sleep overall.)

Choose any flavor sorbet you'd like, but I'm partial to this twice-frozen watermelon version that doesn't call for additional sugar. You'll have an easy time digesting it if it's dairy-free and as close to pure fruit as possible with minimal refined, added sugar. Frozen yogurt is also a solid ice cream alternative.

25. Smashed Chickpea Salad

  • Calories: ~150 calories per serving
  • Serving Size: ½ cup
  • Key Nutrients: folate, protein, iron

You love hummus—why not celebrate its key ingredient in smashed form? Chickpeas boast protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, making them a popular healthy snack. But they also have a ton of sleep-inducing tryptophan, complex carbs and folate, which can help regulate your sleeping patterns. The actual measurements and ingredients in this recipe can be adjusted to your liking, so taste as you go to make it as delicious as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Time Should You Stop Eating?

There’s no concrete answer to this. “The idea of not eating after a certain time has to do with the position of the head, neck and stomach, especially for people with reflux,” notes Stoler. “You want all contents out of your stomach pouch by the time you lay down. This is why high fat, high protein and big chunks of food are not ideal, because they take longer to leave the stomach.” So, what does that mean for you? It depends, but a good rule of thumb per the Cleveland Clinic is to stop eating about three hours before bed.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Midnight Snacking?

In the context of weight loss, there’s a lot of mixed advice about not eating after a certain hour of the evening. Some studies have shown that the type of midnight snack is more important than the time it’s consumed. According to 2015 research in Nutrients, “when the food choice is small, nutrient-dense, low-energy foods and/or single macronutrients rather than large mixed-meals,” there appear to be fewer negative outcomes. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating high-protein snacks late at night could help maintain stable blood sugar levels throughout the night, which is especially beneficial for those with diabetes.

Still, one 2023 study of 850 participants published in the European Journal of Nutrition found that adults who snacked after 9 p.m. had elevated markers for diabetes risk and higher blood sugar spikes after daytime meals than those who didn’t eat late at night. Another study of nearly 1,200 adults found that evening eating may be associated with a higher total calorie consumption overall, but ultimately concluded that more research was needed to determine whether the timing of eating was at play.

In short, it’s probably best to consume your calories during the day…but if you’re going to eat a midnight snack, keep it small (around 150 calories, give or take), nutrient dense and protein-rich.


Former Senior Food Editor

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  • Studied English Literature at the University of Notre Dame and Culinary Arts at the Institute of Culinary Education

taryn pire

Food Editor

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  • Studied English and writing at Ithaca College