
10 Next-Level Fried Rice Dishes That Are Easy to Whip Up at Home

Fried rice. Whether it’s with pineapple or shrimp or sweet-and-sour chicken, it’s something we could eat every damn day. But don’t reach for the takeout menu. You can make 10 fancy versions of this Asian-inspired dish at home right this second.

26 Asian-Inspired Recipes You Can Make at Home

Cauliflower Fried Rice

Low-carb but loaded with flavor (just wait 'til you break that yolk).

Pineapple Fried Rice

Let’s eat everything out of a fruit bowl from now on.

Farro Fried "rice" With Brussels Sprouts

It’s all about those crispy greens.

Crab Fried Rice

Shrimp fried rice? Yawn. Try this inventive substitute instead.

Kimchi Chicken And Bacon Fried Rice

This fermented veggie is so good for you, it cancels the bacon right out.

Kimchi Forbidden Fried Rice

Oooh, mysterious.

Bacon And Egg Fried Rice

Hey, we can eat this for breakfast, right?

RELATED: How to Turn Your Favorite Dinner Foods Into Perfectly Acceptable Breakfasts

Scallop Fried Rice With Xo And Crispy Garlic

We love you like XO.

Gumbo Fried Rice

Asian-Southern fusion? Color us intrigued.

Thai Pineapple Fried Rice

Like all the best things in life, it’s a little sweet and a little spicy.


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Freelance PureWow Editor

From 2015-2017 Hannah Loewentheil held the role of Editor covering entertainment, food, travel and all things nyc.