First, it was Atkins. Then South Beach. Then Whole30. Now the ketogenic diet is the newest weight-loss trend you need to know. It’s a high-fat, moderate-protein, low-carb diet that aims to get your body to a state of ketosis (hence the name). At ketosis, you’ll start to burn through existing stores of fat for energy, which leads to faster weight loss. Sounds great, right? Cool. Whether you’re new to keto or just trying to spice up your meal plans, here are the five essential cookbooks you need on your shelf.
5 Cookbooks You Absolutely Need If You're Keto

bacon & Butter: The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Cookbook By Celby Richoux
Richoux was overweight and exhausted when she discovered the keto diet. Since then, she’s turned her passion for health and nutrition into a wildly popular cookbook. Her book sets out to dispel the myth that dieting has to mean flavorless piles of lettuce and restriction and features more than 150 meals, like bacon-wrapped pork loin and classic peanut-butter cookies.

ketogenic Diet: 60 Insanely Quick And Easy Recipes For Beginners By Jeremy Stone
A common complaint about diets? They take a ton of time and effort. Stone’s cookbook turns that assumption on its head, with 60 recipes (like Cream Cheese Cinnamon Pancakes and Salmon and Eggplant Curry) for people who think they don’t have the time or cooking prowess to make keto work.

easy Low-carb Slow Cooking By Robin Donovan
It’s no secret we’re huge fans of our slow cooker, but often the meals we make in it are, shall we say, less than healthy (salted-caramel rice pudding, anyone?). Donovan’s book takes the set-it-and-forget-it ease of slow cooking and makes it keto-compatible, with recipes like Frittata with Cherry Tomatoes and Curried Broccoli, Cheddar and Toasted Almond Soup that are beyond easy to prep—and also beyond delicious.

the 30-day Ketogenic Cleanse By Maria Emmerich
The first 30 days on a ketogenic diet can be challenging as the body adapts to burning fat (ketones) rather than sugar. Serious cravings can arise, and it’s super tempting to just give up before experiencing any of the diet’s benefits. This book offers helpful tips and tricks for making it through the adjustment period in addition to a whopping 160 (!) keto recipes.

a Year Of Fat Bombs: 52 Seasonal Sweet And Savory Recipes By Elizabeth Jane
For the uninitiated, fat bombs are a popular (and extremely cute) snack created by keto dieters. They’re essentially a combination of high-fat, low-carb ingredients like butter, cream, coconut oil and nuts. Jane’s book is jam-packed with recipes for little treats you can eat between meals or for dessert. Chocolate Sunflower bombs, anyone?