
Your Complete Menu for a Totally Bodacious '90s-Themed Dinner Party (Adult Capri Suns Included)

Ahh, the ’90s. When Ring Pops were the answer to all of our hopes and dreams. But if the resurgence of flared jeans and chokers is any indication, ’90s nostalgia back is in full swing, baby. This calls for a ’90s-tastic dinner party. BYO lava lamp and blow-up chairs.

Grew Up in the ’90s? These 7 Beauty Trends Are Back

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Daily Disco

The Beverages: Adult Capri Suns

Break out your old sticker book to decorate these lemonade and citrus vodka pouches.

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Appetizer #1: Easy Mini Bagel Pizzas

DIY pizza bagels are even more delicious than the frozen kind (if that’s possible).

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Sally's Baking Addiction

Appetizer #2: Homemade Ham And Cheese Hot Pockets

Hand-held bliss.

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The Entrée: Hawaiian Bbq Pizza

This combo deserves a major comeback.

The Side: Sun-dried Tomato-stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

Even better than the ones you’d get from the Olive Garden.

Dessert #1: Dunkaroo Dip

Finally, you’re not limited to a cruel, small portion.

Dessert #2: Homemade Toaster Strudels

Eat your heart out, Gretchen Wieners.

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Food Editor

From 2017 to 2019 Heath Goldman held the role of Food Editor covering food, booze and some recipe development, too. Tough job, eh?