
What I Do in a Day: Chriselle Lim, Fashion Blogger

Chriselle Lim is a fashion stylist, lifestyle and beauty blogger, digital influencer and founder of The Chriselle Factor. Most recently, she collaborated with Mattel on a “Styled by Chriselle Lim” Barbie collection. Here’s everything she does in an average day.

What I Do in a Day J’Nai Bridges, Professional Opera Singer

My alarm goes off… at 4:30 a.m. I’m NOT a morning person, but I have learned to embrace this time of the day. It’s the only time I have for myself before the kids are up. I jump out of bed and quickly splash cold water on my face to wake up and brush my teeth. Then I’m either off to a 5 a.m. Orangetheory class or I jump on my Peloton for an hour. It’s critical for me to get a good sweat in, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Working out helps me in so many ways mentally. It allows my creative juices to flow and also helps me break through any challenges that I’m facing.

My morning… is chaotic once the kids wake up, but full of pure joy. My youngest, Colette, usually wakes up around 6:30 a.m. and my oldest, Chloe, at 7:30 a.m. I get Colette dressed and ready for the day before her sister wakes up. Once Chloe wakes up, we do breakfast together as a family. I have a really amazing husband who is super hands-on. He is in charge of all things food-related, so he always cooks up an awesome breakfast for the girls. He also makes me a fresh black coffee to start the day. I usually eat my favorite granola with yogurt and a fresh green juice. Once the kids are dressed and fed, I’m out the door by 8:30 a.m. to drop off both girls at school. By 9 a.m. I’m on the road to work. I used to drive, but recently I’ve been taking Ubers so I can stay productive in the car and get a head start on my emails.

For lunch… I’ll usually order a salad and soup. There’s also a really amazing café by our office that has a grain bowl with quinoa, veggies and protein. I also have a major sweet tooth, so I always have a bit of something sweet midday.

In the afternoon… I’m usually either shooting content with my team or in a business meeting. I have a new company called Bümo, which brings childcare to the workplace, so I’ve been in a lot of meetings for that—from investor meetings and marketing meetings to board meetings. It’s been challenging to balance it all, but I’m so grateful that I get the opportunity to work on things I’m passionate about.

I finish work… at 4:30 p.m. I have a hard out of the office, as it takes me an hour and a half to get back home. I still work on my commute back, answering emails I never got to throughout the day. Usually by 6:30 p.m., the phones are put away completely and it’s family time. We do dinner around 7 p.m. and have an hour of family time before the kids go to bed. Once the kids are in bed, I have some alone time with my husband, and sometimes I start working again in the middle of the night. It’s not ideal, since I always try to leave work at work, but when you’re an entrepreneur building a new business, it’s really hard to completely shut off.

I got the job… because I’m constantly evolving and changing. I also am an Aries, which means I’m stubborn and not willing to give up. It’s in my blood to build things from nothing. I find joy and fulfillment when I can create something that doesn’t exist. I also have no shame or fear when it comes to trying new things. I’ll ask questions and keep trying until I figure it out.

The best part of my job… is getting to play so many roles and wear so many hats. One day I get to be fully creative and be on camera. Other days I can have no makeup on and just focus and dial in on the business side of it all. Other days I’m in suits in board meetings talking numbers.

The worst part of my job… is that I have to play so many roles. Sometimes I wish I could just fully focus and dial into one thing and go in real deep. Luckily, I have an incredible team on both sides of my business, but there are times when I just feel like a scattered brain.

My most memorable moment… was when Barbie came out with a Chriselle Lim Barbie. It was definitely a “pinch me” moment in my career. Growing up, I wasn’t able to identity with the dolls I played with, and now being a mom of two girls I know how important it is to being represented. Knowing that our future generation can look at these dolls and be like “She looks like me” is everything.

sarah stiefvater

Wellness Director

  • Oversees wellness content
  • PureWow's resident book reviewer
  • Has worked in lifestyle media for 11 years