Fifteen years. That’s enough time to see four presidential administrations, seven Olympic games, one global pandemic and the rise and fall (and second rise!) of peplum. It’s also the age of PureWow, which was born fifteen years ago this spring.
When we started, we couldn’t have predicted where the internet was going. It was still a big deal to get your email via Blackberry and when somebody said “tick tock,” we assumed they were talking about either a clock or a Ke$ha song. All we knew was that we wanted to create something special, beautiful and useful for thoughtful, busy women—a shortcut to a life well-lived.
This goal hasn’t changed. Over the years, my team and I have brought you thousands upon thousands of stories—dinners to make, tips to try, clothes to shop and suggestions for how to style them. We love growing with you and for you, adapting how we do things (remember Facebook Live?) but never who we are at our core.
So, in honor of this big birthday milestone, we’re looking back at some of the best of the best over the years, from the recipes that went viral to the beauty products we still swear by a decade and a half later. We’re also giving our girl a little glow-up: a new look, a new logo and a stunning new website.