There came a moment somewhere around my 42nd birthday when nearly every conversation with friends turned to one subject: perimenopause. Our mammogram schedules, our hormonal acne, our dwindling (or aggressively active) periods, our emotions, which were suddenly running more wild than the children we had pushed out of those now-withering birth canals oh so many years ago. Our bodies were rebelling, and we were pissed. But we were also curious about the experience, and about how other women our age mitigated all this with marriage, family, sex and responsibility. Maybe that’s why I sought out so many books about women in this life-stage this year. Or maybe it’s simply because that’s what the book world produced, and every buzzy novel and memoir seemed to be about a mature woman with a lustful eye.
Either way, I gobbled these books up, though not always happily. Here, the good, the bad and the ragingly hormonal.