We’re not just saying this, but the average Libra has a lot going for her. She’s idealistic and charming, and values fairness and equality. A natural diplomat, she’s tactful (but not cunning) and has an eye for beauty and luxury. If you’re one of the lucky ones born between September 23 and October 22, make sure you read each of these five books at some point in your life.
5 Books Every Libra Should Read Once in Their Life

the Art Of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar
For all of your positive traits, Libra, you're not the best at making decisions. Psychologist and Columbia Business School professor Iyengar's 2011 self-help book will give you some (sometimes-needed) perspective about how our minds deal with making choices—whether mundane or life-changing—and how we can train ourselves to choose better.

on Beauty By Zadie Smith
The thoughtful, aesthetically-minded Libra will appreciate the intertwined stories of two families living in a fictional, Cambridge-like city outside Boston. And her inner diplomat will delight in the constant back and forth, love-hate relationship between the competitive but friendly Kipps and Belseys.

pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen
What better choice for one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac than one of the most classic love stories of all time. Austen’s 1813 novel about Lizzie Bennet (and Mr. Darcy, of course) has often been imitated but never topped.

the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
As a Libra, you appreciate beauty, luxury and romance. Fitzgerald's 1925 classic is the perfect combination of the three. From the extravagantly over-the-top parties to Jay's obsessive love for Daisy, the novel—along with the 1974 and 2013 movie versions—is opulence defined. It shouldn't come as a surprise, then, that Fitzgerald was a Libra himself.

to Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Justice-minded Libras will likely connect to Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning 1960 novel about a sleepy southern town and the court case that rocked it. With themes of racial inequality and the legal system, it’s deeply human, compassionate and moving.