I truly never understood (and still don’t, for the record) how people can tuck themselves into bed at night, fall asleep within mere minutes, enjoy a full night of peaceful slumber and wake up feeling refreshed. I don’t understand this odd phenomenon because I’m what you’d call a “bad sleeper.” It can sometimes take me hours to fall asleep, my body temperature fluctuates, I endlessly toss and turn, and then poof! It’s time to start the day.
Fortunately for me, I’m also not a person who requires eight hours of shut-eye to properly function. But does that mean I should simply give up my quest to become a good sleeper? Oh no, dear reader. I’ve been on a mission to go over to the good side and I swear by the sleep gods—it’ll happen. Enter my sleep fairy godmother or, as it’s known by its fans, the Serta Perfect Sleeper mattress.