While I've had my eye on a few sarongs and caftans willowing around the White Lotus Thailand pool, the purchases I think I'm really most inclined to make are inspired by Parker Posey's (aka southern Christian mother of three, Victoria Ratliff) bedtime attire. The full-coverage, white cotton and lace Victorian-esque nightgowns are a step up from my current Costco PJs in more ways then one.
First, they look light and comfy. And second, they're a vibe. I'm on the fence between calling it 1800s Fragile Girl, Convalescent Summer, Consumptive Bed-Rot Core or Lorazapem Chic, but either way, all involve a high-thread count and a satirical nod to wealthy women on fainting couches, dramatically wilting under the weight of their own privilege.
A natural evolution of Coastal Grandmother and Old Money Aesthetic, this look trades crisp linen trousers for flowing white nightgowns and a nebulous, possibly fictitious medical condition that necessitates full-time bed rest—or at least copious quantities of Lorazepam. As Victoria said herself, the hard life (read: poor) is not for her.
If this speaks to you, here's how to get the look: a diaphanous cotton gown, a monogrammed designer bag filled prescription pills and deep-seated anxieties foretelling the fall of your family overshadowed (thank god) by languid disinterest.