
Try This Super-Easy Apple Experiment With Your 3 to 5 Year-Old


Looking for a new activity (sorry, Netflix) to do with the whole fam? Ziploc has come up with a fun and educational science experiment that teaches 3- to 5-year-olds about the chemical reaction that causes an apple to turn brown once it's exposed to air. Not to mention, you probably already have most (if not all) of the ingredients already. 

Here's the scoop.


1. Sandwich bags
2. 1/4 cup of water
3. 1/4 cup of milk
4. 1/4 cup of lemon juice
5. 1/4 cup of vinegar
6. Apples
7. A knife
8. Cutting board


1. On four sandwich bags, write the name of the liquid you’re going to test. Label a fifth bag “nothing” for your control bag. This bag will contain apples with no liquid. That way, you’ll be able to see the difference between a normal apple and the other apples that have been soaked!
2. Pour the water, lemon juice, vinegar, and milk in separate bags. Make sure to match each liquid to its label.
3. Cut the apple into slices. (This part should only be done by an adult.)
4. Place two apple slices in each bag. Seal the bag and lightly shake it so the liquid coats the apple slices. Let them soak for two or three minutes.
5. Pour any excess liquid out of the bags. Reseal them and check on the apples every 10 to 15 minutes to see what happens. Which ones turn brown? Which ones stay fresh?

You can find more information on the experiment here. Happy, testing! 

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