
Your Weekly Horoscopes: September 15 to 21, 2024

High highs and low lows

The ladies from Secret Lives of Mormon Wives framed by zodiac design in orange fall color
Disney/Fred Hayes

Just when you thought the high highs and low lows of 2024 had come to an end, this week is here to prove that we’re still on a wild ride. Despite challenges though, there are many opportunities for ease and recovery this week so try to lean into what feels supportive.

On the 15th, Venus in Libra, Jupiter in Gemini, and the Moon in Aquarius create a grand air trine, which is an impeccable vibe for parties, public speaking, and all forms of communication. This is a great day for a day trip with friends, reading a cheeky romance novel at the bar, or nerding out at the museum. There’s a lot of ideas thrown around on this day, and the best ones are both fun and inspiring.

Then on the 17th, we have a lunar eclipse—or, an extremely potent full moon—in Pisces. This lunation is the catalyst for a longer period of compassionate growth that will play out over the next couple of years in the coming Virgo-Pisces eclipse cycle. In this moment though? The energy around this eclipse is likely exhausting or heartbreaking. Beyond confusion and disappointments, there’s a pathway toward open heartedness and greater vulnerability.

The other main character this week is Mercury who is still hanging out in home sign Virgo. Mercury opposes Saturn on the 18th, an aspect of hard no’s and delays in communication. But then on the 21st, Mercury squares off with expansive Jupiter bringing hope and optimism despite previous setbacks.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

The 2 Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Start a Cult

Cheeky illustrations of a girl of color in a purple shirt and overalls with a baby ram over her shoulders. She is smiling and so is the ram. The overall color is purple—purple background, pink ram with purple horns and the girls is wearing a purple shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

As new pathways open up to you this week to connect and explore relationships, what you need to let go becomes painfully obvious. The ways that you undermine yourself are sustainable when you’re only looking out for yourself, but become untenable when you bring a new friend, partner or community into the picture. This week is about finding a better balance between planning ahead and doing the work. You don’t need to know how it will end before you begin.

This week’s mantra: “Yield.”

Cheeky illustration of a young non-binary person petting a bull.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The week begins with you getting some great news at work. Your most challenging client has been taken off your roster and suddenly your schedule is much lighter. You’re finally finding your flow as you step into a new leadership position. That said, you’re also feeling overwhelmed by all the new connections and opportunities that are coming your way. Because all of them seem like a good idea! Discernment isn’t your strong suit this week. But enjoy the vibes and wait until October to commit to anything.

This week’s mantra: “Flow.”

Cheeky illustration of identical twins with long dark hair and a statement earrings back-to-back, smirking at each other.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

You’re feeling yourself this week as creative ideas, romantic opportunities and travel plans all come together. Whether you’re actually on a dreamy trip to Paris to see art with a lover, or just vibing at your local wine bar, things feel good. This is also a potentially explosive week for your career and public life. An unexpected opportunity to break out of your usual responsibilities is presented to you, but wait until you know all the facts (next week at the earliest) to say yes.

This week’s mantra: “Positive.”

680x400 Cancer@2x

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

What’s important for you to remember this week is that though your dream might feel far away, you need to keep a positive attitude as you find your way there. You also might discover that what you thought was your dream was actually a smoke screen as the true vision for your next vacation, educational pursuit or teaching endeavor is revealed from behind the fog. Having to “start over” might feel discouraging but try to frame this as a move away from frustration and into real opportunity.

This week’s mantra: “Vision.”

Cheeky illustration of a woman of Asian-descent wearing a sheer coral top with her hair half-up in pigtail puns, the rest down. She is hugging a lion, who is smirking.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The week begins with a lot of fun and social connection for you. You’re finding so much support from your friends, neighbors and greater community. With this high high of interdependence though comes a low low of feeling exhausted by emotional baggage and over attachment. Back in March you began to suspect that you were giving too much of yourself to a certain project or person and the truth of that is now unavoidable. It’s OK to walk away from a relationship that’s constantly pulling you away from yourself.

This week’s mantra: “Other.”

Cheeky illustration with a light blue background of a woman wearing a coral shirt coyly poking out from behind her hands.

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

The week begins with a busy little push that encourages you to get your schedule and routines in order. It’s not that you’ve lacked a plan, it’s that you haven’t had a reason to “get with the plan.” But with all these appointments and requests and responsibilities, you have no choice but to work. You’re also deep in your feelings about a relationship this week as the full moon lunar eclipse illuminates (and potentially obliterates) what was unclear about your commitment. No matter what potential you see, you deserve unwavering support.

This week’s mantra: “Rip.”

680x400 Libra@2x

Libra (September 23 - October 21)

Listen, I’m not here to sell you on the toxic positivity idea that every situation has a sunny side. Sometimes it’s not a sign, it’s just chaos. But the rejection or exhaustion you’re feeling this week—particularly when it comes to your work life—is pointing you in a more fulfilling direction. You’ve outgrown this old way of being and you’re learning that you don’t have to stay where you’re not appreciated. Take this as a cue to find more compassion for yourself.

This week’s mantra: “Self love.”

680x400 Scorpio@2x

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

What’s terrifying you in this moment isn’t that too many things are going wrong, but that too many things are actually going right. A romance or creative idea that was seeded back in March takes on surprising new life this week as you navigate the terrifying experience of getting what you want. When discontent is more familiar, it’s easy to think that calm is a bad thing. To get back to center, take some time to journal, daydream and vision board your next adventure.

This week’s mantra: “Blessings.”

Cheeky illustration of a Black woman with purple hair on an orange background. She's in a wearing jean jacket, with a quiver strapped across her back and arrows sticking out.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

This is a week of highs and lows for you, Sagittarius. Parties and outings with friends and lovers over the weekend lead to a major crash of exhaustion by mid-week. Your resistance to developing a true work-life balance is finally catching up to you. The moment that something goes wrong at home, you find it almost impossible to close your tabs and shift away from work. What’s missing in your foundations and private life is becoming obvious so take a breath and face it.

This week’s mantra: “Renew.”

A cheeky image of a woman of color with dark hair holding a pink goat by the horns. The background is pink and her shirt is darker pink.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

A welcome improvement to your financial situation puts you in a great mood at the top of the week. Whether you’re getting a raise or a great deal on the catering for your sister’s baby shower, your positive attitude is paying off. Later in the week, communications are difficult or even explosive as you very suddenly need to make major changes to your schedule and immediate environment. Though the exact order of operations isn’t clear yet, trust that your heart wants what it wants.

This week’s mantra: “Order.”

Cheeky image of a Black woman with blue hair on a light blue background. She's holding blue water in her palms, which is bubbling up and taking shape as her hair.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You’re feeling bright, positive and supported as the week begins. Who knew all you needed was a little flirtation to get you back in your groove? This baseline positivity is an important factor in how you handle the money revelations that come later in the week. Back in March, you set some vague goals around improving your financial health and it’s becoming clear that you need to get a little more specific. Don’t be discouraged by your lack of progress. What’s important is what comes next.

This week’s mantra: “Sort.”

Cheeky illustration of a gender-fluid white person with short-cropped orange hair. They're wearing a light blue halter top as two bright pink koi fish circle their head.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your sense of self is rapidly expanding and this week you’re particularly sensitive to anyone who tries to put you in a box. It might feel like everything is happening at once, so make sure you take some time to reflect and meditate. Work- and relationship-wise, keep things simple and avoid overbooking yourself. Also try not to do anything too drastic with your style or hair. Wait until next week when you’re less emotionally impulsive to try something new.

This week’s mantra: “Control.”

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Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast