Happy September! The intensity of August is finally over, and now we’re here in a new month with…a different kind of intensity! September starts with a bang on the 1st as Uranus—planet of lightning flashes and tectonic shifts—goes retrograde bringing all kinds of last minute changes and reconfigurations. Also on the 1st, Pluto returns to Capricorn where the power planet must finish up an epic story that has been playing out since 2008.
Amidst all these heavy hitting collective shifts, there’s also a new moon in Virgo on the 2nd: a great time to sit down and make a plan. If there’s something you’ve made overly complicated, this lunation helps you break it down into simple tasks.
Mars squares off with Neptune on the 3rd, an aspect of burnout and confusion, before moving into emotional warrior Cancer on the 4th. Due to an upcoming retrograde, Mars will stay in Cancer for all of September and October and return there from January through April of 2025.
The week ends with Mercury squaring off with Uranus (an aspect that previously went exact on July 21 and August 18) bringing some unexpected information to the surface.