
Your Weekly Horoscopes July 19 to 25, 2020

Cancer season ends this week, but it doesn’t go quietly. There’s a new moon in the sign of the sensitive crab on the Monday the 20th, which is an ideal moment for us to set intentions and write down goals. The sun makes an exact opposition to disciplined Saturn on the same day, encouraging us to implement clear structures and rituals for what we intend to grow—whether that’s an herb garden or a relationship with your step-kids.

On the Wednesday the 22nd, the sun returns home to the lion’s sign! (Happy birthday to our fabulous lions who were simply born to be famous, including Kylie Jenner, Meghan Markle and Maya Rudolph!). Though things will still be far from easy, Leo season feels like a glamorous beach vacation in comparison to the rest of 2020. Let’s sip our frozen cocktails in the heat and plan our next moves while we still can.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)

4 leo

Since June, you’ve been spending a lot of time alone, and the new moon on the 20th is your final chance to relish in solitary bliss. Have you been keeping a dream diary? Logging your meditation hours? Organize your unconscious thoughts while you can because as soon as your season begins on Wednesday the 22nd, you’re back in the whirlwind of the spotlight. Though your season feels quite a bit different this year, that doesn’t mean you can’t show off your favorite lipstick and start planning your blowout of a socially distanced birthday party. Luxuriate in yourself again.

This week’s mantra: Me-time has finally arrived.

5 virgo

This week’s new moon on Monday the 20th brings a meaningful work or social connection into your life. This isn’t just any random “sup?” text, awkward networking email or coffee shop encounter, this is something that’s meant to last. Don’t hesitate to set up a socially distanced follow-up date (but perhaps make it for later in the summer). As Leo season kicks off on the 22nd and lights up your unconscious sector, you realize that you need a long break to meditate, relax and unwind.

This week’s mantra: Don’t forget to follow up.

6 libra

At the solar eclipse on Tuesday, June 21, you got a very clear download about everything you don’t want for your career. And now, this week’s new moon on Monday the 20th gives you the opportunity to set some intentions about who you really want to be when you grow up. The world needs your nurturing leadership especially during this deeply uncertain time. More friends and connections make their presence known as soon as Leo season begins on Wednesday the 22nd, so don’t be shy about reaching out to discuss your plan.

This week’s mantra: You gotta play the game to get ahead.

7 scorpio

If the solar eclipse on Tuesday, June 21 left you disappointed with someone you once admired, then this week’s new moon on Monday the 20th is an opportunity to speak up about your own beliefs and values. It’s not enough to keep your thoughts in a private conversation with your BFF. Send an email to your entire friend group! Take the mic at your weekly office Zoom! As Leo season begins on the 22nd, you are called to step up at work and lead by example. You already have the skills you need so relax and stay confident.

This week’s mantra: Be the leader you wish to see in the world.

8 sagittarius

Who are your favorite collaborators? Your most trusted co-conspirators? Your ride-or-dies? The new moon on Monday the 20th is an opportunity to set intentions about who you want sharing your precious time and resources for the rest of 2020. You know what you have, so be careful about what you give. Then as Leo season begins on Wednesday the 22nd, you can’t help but daydream about your next big escape. Since long distance travel isn’t necessarily an option, sign up for a class or dig into a book that’s bound to expand your mind.

This week’s mantra: Your dreams can be your reality.


There has been so much drama this summer with your boyfriend, with your boss and with all of your freelance clients. But at the new moon on Monday the 20th, you’re able to reflect and move forward knowing that you have built some extremely durable commitments. Your partnerships grow stronger as you learn to take yourself more seriously. Celebrate but do it on a budget because as Leo season begins on Wednesday the 22nd, you can no longer ignore some outstanding debts.

This week’s mantra: You’ve got good people on your team.

10 aquarius

At this week’s new moon on Monday the 20th, you may surprise even yourself when you finally give in to your urge to…get a puppy. You’ve spent all summer doing errands and chores so why not give all that care to a fluffy ball of unconditional love? If your wife or your girlfriend isn’t on board at first, she is by the time Leo season begins on the 22nd. For the next month or so, it becomes clear that through it all, you’re in this together.

This week’s mantra: A puppy can solve any problem.

11 pisces

Get yourself out of hermit mode this week because the new moon on Monday the 20th brings a fated encounter with your crush. Whether it’s a long chat at a friend’s socially distanced birthday hang or some flirting in the DMs during a different friend’s Zoom MFA presentation, it’s an inspiring brush with romance. Enjoy it while you can because once Leo season begins on the 22nd, you’re immediately caught up in errands, chores and annoying details. At least you can daydream about your hot new muse while you work!

This week’s mantra: Everyone needs a muse.

12 aries

With this week’s new moon on Monday the 20th in your home and family sector, you’re ready to clear away the cobwebs, move past the drama and build a private space of your own. Whether you’re reconciling with your mom or starting the hunt for a new apartment, you’re finally building something that’s yours from the ground up. Then as Leo season begins on Wednesday the 22nd, you’re feeling fun and flirty for the first time since February. How can you let a little more romance into your life?

This week’s mantra: Don’t let anyone tell you how to live.

1 taurus

Get out your journal and start diffusing some essential oils because this week’s new moon on Monday the 20th is all about creating your ideal environment. If you’re going to be in some form of quarantine through the end of the year, you might as well get extremely comfortable where you are. Leo season—which begins on Wednesday the 22nd—for you, is all about taking pride in your home, family and private space. You don’t need to be seen to remember how fabulous you are.

This week’s mantra: You’re the creator of your own ideal world.

2 gemini

Though you’re inherently a risk taker, the new moon on Monday the 20th finds you making some serious decisions about your personal and financial security. Whether it’s signing a lease, launching a side hustle or selling those never worn designer jeans for a profit, you’re all about making responsible decisions. As Leo season kicks off on Wednesday the 22nd, your sister—or a friend who feels like one—and her drama is quite suddenly taking up most of your time. Be sure to brag about some of your adulting after you give her advice.

This week’s mantra: Security first.

3 cancer

The new moon on the 20th in your sign is a chance to get back in touch with yourself. Seriously. Do you need a haircut? Do you need to sign up for a CSA? Do you need more rosewater toner? Indulge in a few things that feel good for both your body and your mind. You deserve it. As Leo season begins on Wednesday the 22nd, money becomes your obsessive focus. By the weekend, you’re going over budgets and considering the value of each and every purchase.

This week’s mantra: First, you gotta love yourself.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram @jaimeallycewright or subscribe to her newsletter.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast