
Your Weekly Horoscopes: January 21 to 27, 2024

There will be tears, but also lipstick

lily gladstone at the golden globes 2024
Christopher Polk/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images

January has been a month of setting up solid foundations for the future. Venus moves from adventurous Sagittarius into pragmatic Capricorn on the 23rd encouraging us to get grounded on a heart level. That being said, despite there now being three planets in earth sign Capricorn, things do take a turn for the flashy at the full moon in Leo on the 25th. Get ready for big entrances and bold statements, as well as unexpected developments when Uranus—planet of change and upheaval—stations direct on the 27th.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

What to Do on a Full Moon, According to an Astrologist

Cheeky illustrations of a girl of color in a purple shirt and overalls with a baby ram over her shoulders. She is smiling and so is the ram. The overall color is purple—purple background, pink ram with purple horns and the girls is wearing a purple shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The full moon in Leo on the 25th brings some exciting breakthroughs in your creative and romantic life. Something you began back in August (learning to knit, getting on the apps, trying a new recipe each week) is now culminating. Though things at work may also be picking up, pleasure should be your top priority. Say yes to that hot date.

This week’s mantra: “Yes!”

Cheeky illustration of a young non-binary person petting a bull.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This week brings an abundance of riches. First your ruling planet Venus enters Capricorn and your house of travel and education, inspiring you to plan trips and spread your wisdom. Then the full moon in Leo on the 25th brings breakthroughs to your home and family life. Whatever was seeded back in August is manifesting now. Invite your friends over for a party to celebrate!

This week’s mantra: “Nest.”

Cheeky illustration of identical twins with long dark hair and a statement earrings back-to-back, smirking at each other.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

It’s here—the week of your sister or bestie’s bridal shower, or the opening of a hot new bar in your neighborhood, or the day of your 5K race. Whatever it is—something you started planning back in August is finally happening as the full moon in Leo brings excitement to your local sphere. As much as this week is about showing up for others, remember to first show up for yourself.

This week’s mantra: “Share.”

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Back in August, you set a few goals. First to make more money, and second—but more importantly—to be kinder to yourself. The full moon in Leo on the 25th reveals how far you’ve come on both fronts. Your holiday bonus arrives! You go out for drinks and feel ineffably glam. Don’t hold back: It’s ok to be feeling yourself.

This week’s mantra: “Worth.”

Cheeky illustration of a woman of Asian-descent wearing a sheer coral top with her hair half-up in pigtail puns, the rest down. She is hugging a lion, who is smirking.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The new moon in Leo on the 25th puts all eyes on you. You set some goals for your image, health and style back in August, and with this full moon, a glamorous new you is revealed. (Hello, awards season Leo, Lily Gladstone!) That being said, this week could also be a very emotional one. You’ve gained so much over the last six months but you’re also grieving what you’ve lost. Feel it all.

This week’s mantra: “Brilliant.”

Cheeky illustration with a light blue background of a woman wearing a coral shirt coyly poking out from behind her hands.

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

Though most of your friends and loved ones are all fired up this week, you’re feeling much more low-key. The full moon in Leo on the 25th lights up your unconscious sector and has you in hibernation mode. Intentions you set around mental health, meditation and time for yourself reach a climax. What else can you do to clear your mind?

This week’s mantra: “Mindful.”

680x400 Libra@2x

Libra (September 23 - October 21)

Your ruling planet Venus moves into Capricorn and your home sector on the 23rd, pushing you deeper into your usual winter nesting mode. On the other end of the spectrum though, the full moon in Leo on the 25th lights up your social sector, inspiring you to brave the cold and get out of the house. How can you show up for friends while still taking care of yourself?

This week’s mantra: “Friendship.”

680x400 Scorpio@2x

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

You have a complicated relationship with the spotlight, but this week you can’t help but take up space. The full moon in Leo on the 25th brings a breakthrough moment in your career that puts all eyes on you. Projects and collaborations that were tiny ideas back in August come to their culmination. With all this attention comes some necessary feedback. Be sure you have something to defend before you get defensive.

This week’s mantra: “Expand.”

Cheeky illustration of a Black woman with purple hair on an orange background. She's in a wearing jean jacket, with a quiver strapped across her back and arrows sticking out.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Back in August you bought tickets for your next vacation, signed up for a class or set spiritual intentions. It might be the middle of winter, but the full moon in Leo on the 25th brings what was seeded back in August to full bloom. You’re boarding the plane, heading to your first day of school or reaching a new level of spiritual clarity. How can you bring these highs back down to earth with you?

This week’s mantra: “Wonder.”

A cheeky image of a woman of color with dark hair holding a pink goat by the horns. The background is pink and her shirt is darker pink.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

For some, this week’s full moon is the motivation to get glammed up and hit the red carpet, but for you, it’s an excuse to have a good cry. From hard conversations to cathartic therapy sessions, this full moon has you holding space for what’s complicated. The good news is that “beauty planet” Venus enters your sign on the 23rd so while you may be sobbing, you look good doing it!

This week’s mantra: “Release.”

Cheeky image of a Black woman with blue hair on a light blue background. She's holding blue water in her palms, which is bubbling up and taking shape as her hair.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The full moon in Leo on the 25th falls in your partnership zone. Connections and relationships that were just seedlings back in August reach their culmination now. There’s no room for the wishy-washy, it’s time to commit or walk away. Whether you’re in it or quitting it, get glam and celebrate making a decision.

This week’s mantra: “Devotion.”

Cheeky illustration of a gender-fluid white person with short-cropped orange hair. They're wearing a light blue halter top as two bright pink koi fish circle their head.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

The full moon in Leo on the 25th highlights the best and worst parts of your daily routine. If you’ve been sticking to your commitments (especially those you made back in August), you’re finally seeing some results, and if you’re out of alignment, that’s made abundantly clear. After this week, you’ll know what you need to be satisfied with your health, fitness and day job.

This week’s mantra: “Discipline.”

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast