
Your Weekly Horoscopes: January 19 to 25, 2020

Your mantra this week: Change is good. On the 20th, the sun leaves diligent and earthy Capricorn for unconventional and airy Aquarius. It’s time to get down with our freaky selves––especially on the 23rd as the sun clashes with innovative Uranus. On the 24th, there’s a new moon in Aquarius, our first eclipse-free lunation since early December. And let’s be real, the first half of the month was rough, but this second half is a great opportunity to hop on those New Year’s resolutions. Gather your freethinking friends, light some candles and set your intentions!

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.)


This week’s new moon on the 24th means it’s time to break out the Excel sheets and get your money in order—after all, tax season is on the horizon, no? We know you’re always on top of your budgets, but take a moment on the 23rd to make a wish list of everything you would want if money were no option. How can you have it all? Take a hard look at your expenses and get rid of that audiobook subscription you haven’t touched since 2018. Put that money toward a designer tote instead (January happens to be the best time to buy luxury items). Prioritization may be key, but that doesn’t mean you have to brush your desires under the rug.

10 aquarius

It’s finally your season, Aquarius! On the 23rd, your family throws you a surprise birthday dinner. Though the attention annoys you, remind yourself that it really is a sweet gesture, so try to relax and enjoy. On the 24th, with the new moon in your sign, do what you actually want to do for your birthday. Head to the spa or hang on the couch with that book you can’t stop reading. There’s nothing like putting your whole life on “do not disturb.”

11 pisces

Get ready to be someone else’s sunshine on the 23rd. When a friend calls in need of an eager ear, take her out for a mani/pedi and listen to her woes while your feet get some much-needed TLC. On the 24th, the new moon in Aquarius falls in your unconscious sector. Meditate and take some time off the grid, only attending to your most pressing deadlines and needs. You will be able to make a clean break with negative thoughts by thoroughly clearing your mind.

12 aries

For you, dear Aries, the new moon in Aquarius on the 24th is about making your social life a priority. Get out to see your friend’s art show and don’t miss the reunion with your former colleagues (you don’t need to stay late at work...again). On the 25th, a friend invites you to tag along on a meditation retreat or maybe you find a gentle reminder in your inbox from the grad program you put on the back burner. Check in with your curiosity. Pay attention to where the question mark emojis pop up.

1 taurus

If you recently changed jobs or earned a promotion and you’ve avoided announcing the move, give yourself the pleasure of making the big announcement on the 23rd. Why are you so afraid of the spotlight anyway? Let the kind notes of congratulations fuel your desire to make waves in this new position, whether it’s at a traditional job or an unpaved journey of your own creation. At the new moon on the 24th, set a meeting with your boss, a trusted colleague or yourself (with a journal!) to get clear on your immediate goals. Let the world see you.

2 gemini

As I mentioned last week, you have been bitten by the travel bug, spending most days at your desk daydreaming about the beaches of Hawaii and the wide open spaces of Wyoming. How much daydreaming is too much daydreaming? And how acceptable is it to do so much of it at work? At the new moon on the 24th, put in your time-off request for your next vacation. On the 25th, spend the evening bribing your honey or BFF to join you for the ride.

3 cancer

This week starts off very slow for you, sweet moonchild. And the new moon on the 24th falls in the part of your chart that represents both death and taxes. Spend that evening doing the dirty work of compiling receipts for your guardian angel of an accountant. Though this might seem like a buzzkill on a sweet new moon, it’s possible to make it luxurious. Do a face mask and drink some wine while you work. In April, you will be thrilled you got ahead and will be rewarded with a little financial windfall (hello there, tax return). 

4 leo

Check your email and keep your ringer on high on the 23rd because a leadership or work opportunity is coming to you from...truly out of nowhere. The catch? It’s a collaborative project that requires you to work closely with someone frustrating from your past. Start adjusting to the sharing-is-caring mindset early and set shared goals for the project at the new moon on the 24th. Find some calm before the storm. Be thankful for your true rocks and their support, and, in fact, remember to thank them out loud. 

5 virgo

Despite everything, you (as usual) have been super on top of your resolutions this year, cutting off a toxic relationship and approaching week four (!) of Dry January without breaking a sweat. But have you gone to the gym? At the new moon on the 24th, whether you’re an athlete or a couch potato, spend some time stretching and setting physical goals for the new year. A fun workout at home on the 25th helps you brainstorm how to shake up your routine. Get moving!

6 libra

Romance is in the air this week, so don’t be shy about buying your girlfriend “just because” flowers or flirting with the cute barista. Spread the love! On the 23rd, remember that while flirting is fun, what’s most important is falling in love with yourself. Cheesy but true. Wake up early, take an extra-long, luxurious shower and treat yourself to sipping your coffee in bed. The new moon on the 24th marks a fresh start for all of your romantic and artistic undertakings. Be sure to prioritize beauty.

7 scorpio

The first half of January was filled with meetings, deadlines and constant errands for you, Scorpio. This week, don’t feel guilty about canceling plans to stay at home. Open that bottle of natural red and put away all the holiday decorations (finally!). At the new moon on the 24th, set some clear intentions about how to make your home into a sanctuary. And on the 25th, splurge on some rugs or a new couch. Let yourself return somewhere cozy.

8 sagittarius

With all the stress around your finances boiling over recently, the new moon on the 24th should come as a huge sigh of relief. And for you specifically, it is all about establishing yourself in your local community. Curious about the new coffee shop in town? Take your kids there for a treat. Tired of your frizzy hair after bleaching it yourself all these years? Bring your business to the fledgling salon. Remember: What goes around comes around.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram , @jaimeallycewright, or subscribe to her newsletter.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast