
Your Weekly Horoscopes: February 9 to 15, 2020

The week begins with a roar: a gorgeous full moon in Leo on the 9th. Leo is the most flamboyant and theatrical sign in the zodiac, so it’s sure to be a wild night. But the rest of the week is kind of a cosmic snooze, actually, with only the moon making aspects. Luna is in mysterious Scorpio for Valentine’s Day on the 14th, so while things are slow and steady, we might as well go deep.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that will provide further insight.) 

10 aquarius

It’s still your season, Aquarius, but this week’s full moon in Leo on the 9th is all about your commitments. Does your spouse think you owe them an apology? Do you need to clear the air with a client? As long as you show up for your special someone as you want them to show up for you, all will be well. On Valentine’s Day, you get stuck working late at the office, but luckily there’s a special something waiting for you when you finally get home.

11 pisces

While everyone else is having fun during the full moon in Leo on the 9th, you are stuck at your day job or running a tedious errand that should have been taken care of weeks ago. Try to have a sense of humor about being left with the drudgery on the wildest night of the month. Don’t procrastinate so much next time! On Valentine’s Day, you want to expand your horizons with your lover, so head to a French film at that little indie theater or take a sourdough bread making class. Learn something new together.

12 aries

This week’s full moon on the 9th leaves you with a renewed sense of adventure and creativity. Embrace this youthful joie de vivre while it lasts. Take your kids (or your friend’s kids) to one of those ridiculous restaurants that serves only chicken fingers and ice cream sundaes and get one for yourself. Spend the night with that flirty former coworker. On Valentine’s Day, the Scorpio moon has you excavating some skeletons from your closet. Go deep, but maybe skip that third glass of wine.

1 taurus

Embrace your inner homebody at the full moon on the 9th. As you’ve been scheming and dreaming about your future, you’ve maybe neglected to appreciate the wonder that can be experienced from the comfort of your bed. Treat yourself to coffee and breakfast while still under the duvet. On Valentine’s Day, you are in the mood to surprise your sweetheart. Treat him to drinks at the bar where you first met or cook him his favorite duck à l’orange. Do something stunning while being remarkably cozy.

2 gemini

Your sister drops huge news at the full moon in Leo on the 9th. Whether she’s moving to France or quitting med school to pursue a career as a Reiki healer, now’s not the time to criticize her decision. Celebrate her for taking the leap and ask the big questions next week. On Valentine’s Day, your date night or bubble bath is canceled when you have to handle a mini crisis or last-minute errand (damn you, FedEx!). You’ll make it up to your sweetheart (or yourself) some other night.

3 cancer

Make sure you do something really sweet for yourself at the full moon in Leo on the 9th. Splurge on tickets to see your favorite band, treat yourself to that fancy tasting-menu dinner or opt for the extra expensive (and extra potent!) retinoid. This lunation should feel like a security blanket for you, sweet moonchild. Get warm. On Valentine’s Day, whether you’re taken or single, try to spend the night with a group of friends at a special place. Toast to all kinds of love in your life. There’s lots of it.

4 leo

The full moon on the 9th is in your sign, so lap up this taste of summer while you can. Much of this month has been spent focused on others (mostly attending the birthday parties of all your Aquarius BFFs), but be sure to take time this week for your own interests. Get your nails done. Dye your hair. Dress up just because. On Valentine’s Day, do something quiet and romantic at home. Keep your phone on silent to make sure an unexpected drama at work doesn’t kill the vibe, because if you let it in, it will.

5 virgo

At this week’s full moon on the 9th, you are either loving the bliss of a digital detox or feeling major FOMO while on “retreat” with no cell service. This lunation is all about finding comfort in the quiet for you. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunities next week to speak your piece. For now, try to reflect and meditate. On Valentine’s Day, spend the night in the neighborhood. Show your love to a local business and hopefully some great wine.

6 libra

Spend the full moon in Leo on the 9th out and enjoying yourself with friends, dear Libra. Explore a coveted art gallery or head to a new age dance show without the kids. If you’re booked to go to a networking event you’ve been dreading, take solace in this: It will end up being much more fun than you expected. On Valentine’s Day, the moon is in Scorpio and you want to spend more money than you have on a special night for your boo. Remember not to overdo it. The smallest gestures can go a long way.

7 scorpio

This week’s full moon in Leo on the 9th is a gorgeous omen for good things to come in your career. Since last summer, you have been working so hard to get to the place you’re at, and finally you are feeling like you’re hitting your stride. Whether you get a raise or just some major validation from your boss, don’t take any of it for granted. The moon is in your sign on Valentine’s Day, so whether you’re single or taken, let the night be all about you.

8 sagittarius

You’ve been out of touch with your dreamier side lately, but this week’s full moon in Leo on the 9th gets you reconnected with your old pal, adventure. Whether you’re heading out of town, enrolling in a new course of study or just planning a much-needed coffee date with a mentor, you’re definitely feeling like yourself again. On Valentine’s Day, the moon in Scorpio has you wanting to keep things chill. Why not do a restorative yoga class (complete with an essential oil massage) with your S.O.? Meditation can be romantic, OK?


The full moon in Leo on the 9th has you facing your debts. Boring. But it also has you embracing your kinky side. Fun? This week is clearly about balance. What situations in your life can only be resolved when you accept who you are deep inside? Not a question you often like to ask yourself, goat, but one you need to think about. On Valentine’s Day, you want to take a break from all the soul searching and have a real old-fashioned night out with your sweetheart. Eat some spaghetti Lady and the Tramp–style and take a moonlit walk.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can follow her on Instagram , @jaimeallycewright, or subscribe to her newsletter. 

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast