
Your Weekly Horoscope August 21 to 27, 2022

Can you believe the summer is winding down already? This week we say goodbye to a particularly dramatic Leo season and hello to the “let’s just focus on the details” relief of Virgo season. The sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd—happy birthday to our intelligent, reliable and harmonious faves like Zendaya, Prince Harry and, of course, Beyoncé. Despite the Virgo help desk being open for business, communications might be all over the place this week as Virgo’s ruling planet Mercury is also taking a journey—connecting with confusing Neptune and heavy Pluto before entering fair and balanced Libra on the 25th.

The week ends with a new moon in Virgo on the 27th—an opportunity to clear the clutter and set intentions for fall. The sun squares off with Mars while Venus squares off with Uranus on the same day, pushing us even harder to change up our routines for the better.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

12 aries

The sun enters Virgo and your house of the daily grind on the 22nd making this an excellent week for you to get ahead on work tasks, take care of errands and get back into your fitness routine. If you’ve been struggling to get to the gym or on top of details, the new moon in Virgo on the 27th is your best shot to set intentions for getting organized and being consistent in the coming year! Ask a friend to be your accountability buddy and get moving!

This week’s mantra: “Movement requires momentum.”

1 taurus

The sun enters Virgo and your house of dating, creativity and pleasure on the 22nd, kicking off the most romantic and creative time of year for you! There’s been so much change in your life over the last few months, and this season lets you go after the things you want rather than only focusing on immediate needs. The new moon in Virgo on the 27th is a great time to relaunch your dating profile, plan a fun day trip with your kids, or set aside time for one of your favorite hobbies. Stay passionate!

This week’s mantra: “I deserve joy!”

2 gemini

This week starts off a bit hazy as your ruling planet Mercury opposes confusing Neptune on the 21st. Working out details can be super frustrating under this influence so if you’re stuck on a tech issue or project proposal for work, take a break and work on an artistic project instead! Then on the 27th, the new moon in Virgo provides a beautiful opportunity for you to set intentions re: home and family relationships. How can you feel more settled in your own space?

This week’s mantra: “Self love makes me feel at home wherever I go.”

3 cancer

The sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd ushering in an extremely busy period for you. Whether you’re in the final stages of job interviews, getting the last details together for your sister’s bachelorette weekend, or organizing a neighborhood block party, you’re in crunch mode trying to make sure all the details are in order! The new moon in Virgo on the 27th is a chance for you to set intentions for your schedule and communications over the next six months. Who and what do you want to keep in your immediate environment?

This week’s mantra: “I have time for what excites me.”

4 leo

Your birthday season wraps up once the sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd. Usually you’re disappointed as your birthday parties wind down, but this year, you’re more than ready for a break from all the socializing. The new moon in Virgo on the 27th is a great time to check in with what you really need—both energetically and financially. Who and what fills your cup? And how can you get more of that in your life?

This week’s mantra: “Taking it slow fills my cup.”

5 virgo

You’re finally ready to come out of your cage as your season kicks off on the 22nd. All summer you’ve been in a bit of a daze, so busy that you haven’t been able to process how much you’ve grown along the way. Let the new moon in your sign on the 27th be a moment to check in with your mind and body needs. Is it time to get a haircut? Or a manicure? Switch up your vitamins? This week, take care of you!

This week’s mantra: “I’m worth it!”

6 libra

This summer has been go, go, go for you—hustling to build relationships, get your finances together and make big career moves! Now Virgo season (from the 22nd) offers a few weeks for you to rest, retreat and unwind. Though you may get thrown a final social or financial curveball on the 25th, the new moon in Virgo on the 27th allows you to make peace with the fallout. You’re ready to start a meditation practice or digital detox, or request time off from the office. Remember: your best work is being done behind the scenes.

This week’s mantra: “I value rest.”

7 scorpio

The sun enters Virgo and your friendship sector on the 22nd inspiring you to connect with colleagues, throw a party or volunteer more in the community. The new moon on the 27th is a great opportunity to make a vision board. Tap into what your goals for the future really are! You may hit some roadblocks along the way to what you want—especially when it comes to finances—but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go for it! Get creative with your collaborations!

This week’s mantra: “No one can stop me when I’m in my flow.”

8 sagittarius

The sun enters Virgo and your career and public image sector on the 22nd making the next few weeks the most visible time of the year for you! Whether you’re angling for a promotion, running for local office or just attending more events, there’s no hiding from the spotlight! Get ready to be seen. The new moon on the 27th provides a great moment to set goals for career and leadership opportunities, especially in regards to partnerships and contracts in your professional life. Who do you want on your growing team?

This week’s mantra: “I’m ready to shine!”


The sun enters Virgo on the 22nd lighting up the part of your chart that rules travel, spirituality and higher education. This is the time of year when you’re most focused on gaining respect—from your colleagues, your community and yourself. What do you have to teach? Whose mentorship will bring your ideas into focus? The new moon in Virgo on the 27th is your opportunity to set intentions for expanding your mind over the next six months. Oh, the places you'll soon go!

This week’s mantra: “There’s always more for me to learn.”

10 aquarius

The sun enters Virgo on the 22nd highlighting the part of your chart that’s all about shared resources. This is the best time of year for you to file those overdue taxes, make a plan to tackle your credit card debt or research loans for your growing business. Then on the 27th, the new moon in Virgo is your opportunity to set intentions for collaborations in the coming year. How can you reclaim your power in certain relationship dynamics? What relationships make you feel seen no matter what?

This week’s mantra: “I’m in control.”

11 pisces

The sun enters Virgo and your relationship sector on the 22nd. Though your life is always very focused on taking care of others, this time of year highlights your most important relationships—romantic, business or otherwise. The new moon on the 27th is an opportunity to set intentions about what you want in a partnership (if you’re single) or how you want to grow together (if you’re already with someone). It’s a relief to own what you want.

This week’s mantra: “I give what I can, and I’m ready to receive.”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast