Sorry to bum you out, but there’s no magic trick, meditation app or fancy new diet that will eliminate disappointment. And although most of us accept it as one of those universal facts of life, not everyone deals with it the same way. Some folks can work through disappointment and move on quickly, while others struggle to get past it, which, if left to fester, can lead to self-doubt, complacency and even depression.
But disappointment doesn’t have to be a total negative experience. By dealing with it effectively and turning it into a teaching moment, you can learn how to set more reasonable expectations and build up your resiliency so you’re able to handle future fails more easily. Plus, a disappointing setback might motivate you to try harder or maybe work smarter.
To help you deal with disappointment and bounce back when bad news hits, here are some expert-recommended coping techniques as well as ways you can stay positive through it all.