Wouldn’t it be amazing if your nearsighted eyes could suddenly see things clearly that weren’t directly under your nose? We know what you’re thinking: That’s what glasses and contacts are for (duh). But we’re talking about eliminating those—sort of—with ortho-k lenses, special contacts that you sleep in to reshape your eyes so that you don’t need glasses during the day.
It might not sound like it, but the process is painless and much less risky than an invasive laser surgery, but you’ll need to consider several pros and cons when debating whether ortho-k lenses are right for you. If you’re in this boat (or if you’re still scratching your head over exactly what ortho-k lenses are), you’re not alone. We’ll get into more details with the help of ophthalmologist Douglas Lazzaro, M.D. of NYU Langone Health.