
Your Monthly Horoscopes: July 2024

Gemini drama with a dose of Virgo realism

Ariana Madix in black low cut dress hosting Love Island, framed by atmospheric zodiac design for July Monthly Horoscopes.
Peacock/Getty Images

Welcome to your July horoscope! July begins like a funky natural wine: a rare blend of skin contact and no skin contact grapes—I mean…astrological influences. The vibe is this: get it together, but make it different this time. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or disillusioned under these skies. But as your astrologer, my best advice is do your best to ride the wave. The New Moon in Cancer on the 5th is for setting intentions that nourish both the visionary and structured ends of the spectrum. Mercury enters bold Leo on the 2nd ensuring that we’re not shy about communicating these dreams.

Venus joins Mercury in passionate Leo on the 11th, adding drama and flair to relationships of all kinds. Mars then enters mutable Gemini on the 20th bringing flirty tension and gossipy chaos that will continue to build through mid-August. Next month will be a pressure cooker so I suggest setting routines and solidifying intentions during this window in late July. An open mind and flexible plan of action goes a long way.

We get our second full Moon in Capricorn of the year on the 21st: a reality check that is both grounding and visionary. What was first revealed at the full moon on June 21st comes to another culmination here.

The sun moves into Leo on the 22nd giving us a much needed dose of Vitamin D, a mood booster to lift our creative spirits. Then on the 25th, Mercury moves into analytical Virgo, an influence that helps us focus our scattered attention and create practical next steps. 

Cheeky illustrations of a girl of color in a purple shirt and overalls with a baby ram over her shoulders. She is smiling and so is the ram. The overall color is purple—purple background, pink ram with purple horns and the girls is wearing a purple shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun.


(March 21 - April 19)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): Housewarming party
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): Employee of the month vibes
  • Other Key Dates: 7/15, 7/20, 7/25

July is about taking a good hard look at your values, Aries. Major fluctuations in both your income and expenses throughout the month get you thinking about how to create more security in your life. That goes for both your bank account and your closest relationships. This month could also bring rocky communication, derailed travel plans and conflicts with siblings or close friends. But on the bright side: you’re releasing draining social ties, getting a great workout from long walks around the neighborhood and owning your needs. The full moon in Capricorn on the 21st highlights professional achievements and could bring you some long-awaited recognition.

Love Horoscope: This is a summer of love! With Venus in Leo and your romance sector from the 11th, the heat is on, and you may find yourself tempted to revisit last summer’s hot (but problematic) flirtations. You’re better off seeking out new options though. All the passion in the world can’t make up for feeling insecure.

Money Horoscope: The first half of the month brings both unexpected windfalls and sudden expenses. Once you’re through the storm, it's crucial to implement plans to reassess your budget so something like this doesn’t happen again.

Cheeky illustration of a young non-binary person petting a bull.


(April 20 - May 20)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): Happy hour intention setting with bestie
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): One way ticket to Europe
  • Other Key Dates: 7/2, 7/8, 7/11, 7/12

The pragmatic part of you knows that you’re in a make or break moment for pursuing a big dream. But the comfort monster part of you (read: the true Taurus) wants to spend the summer lying by the pool with your besties, sipping wine and reading trashy romance novels. July allows you to have the best of both worlds. You’re learning that all the success in the world doesn’t matter if you don’t have support and connection at home. Leo season (from the 22nd) encourages you to take pride in taking a break.

Love Horoscope: Though you’re usually one who likes to get wooed, you get more satisfaction from taking the reins of your love life this month. Why wait to get approached at the bar when you already know exactly who you want? 

Money Horoscope: Putting both your money and attention on improving your living space goes a long way this month. Keep your eyes out for sales for long-coveted furniture and kitchen items. You may also find some great funky pieces on Marketplace or a Buy Nothing group. Just don’t acquire anything you can’t return or give away because it’s very possible that through the process, you’ll change your mind.

Cheeky illustration of identical twins with long dark hair and a statement earrings back-to-back, smirking at each other.


(May 21 - June 20)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): Take lunch in the park
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): Cathartic couple’s therapy sesh
  • Other Key Dates: 7/2, 7/3, 7/8, 7/25

You’re someone who’s used to juggling all kinds of responsibilities, but this is a particularly busy month for you. The social obligations are constant with kid birthday parties, your bestie’s bachelorette and volunteering at the community garden taking up most of your time. But you’re also being asked to re-evaluate financial goals and consider investment opportunities. Though you get a brief respite from your stuffed calendar when Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th, things get hectic again once Mercury stations retrograde early in August. Remember that you always can (in you’ll probably have to) revise the plan.

Love Horoscope: Though this summer’s two full moons in Capricorn (June 21 and July 21) have you coming to terms with power dynamics in your relationships, you’re very much focused on yourself and getting your bag this month. If you’re dating someone who isn’t pulling any weight, it’s time to let them go.

Money Horoscope: The new moon in Cancer on the 5th is in your money sector and brings  opportunity to start fresh with your budget or explore new income streams. You might want to seek gig opportunities or ask for a raise just before the new moon on the 2nd when you’re primed for a structured upgrade and the favor of VIPs.

680x400 Cancer@2x


(June 21 - July 22)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): New moon, new you
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): Crying at the club with the real ones
  • Other Key Dates: 7/13, 7/27

Happy Solar Return, Cancer! July begins with a sweet and affirming new moon in your sign on the 5th. The challenge—if you choose to accept it—is not just to set intentions for your style, image and overall health, but to make those goals both realistic and transcendent. Sounds easy, right? You have the power to break away from the fear and mental blocks that have been holding you back if you’re willing to do the vulnerable work of building self-worth. The full moon in Capricorn on the 21st reminds you to lean on a partner or best friend for support.

Love Horoscope: This summer has two full moons (June 21 and July 21) in your partnership sector. Last month you were given a reality check around how you have and haven’t been showing up for the most important people in your life. This month is about feeling the impact of true interdependence. 

Money Horoscope: Mercury, Venus and the sun all spend time in your money sector this month meaning this is the best time of the year to focus on your budgets and finances. Finding a new financial advisor or even just downloading that budgeting app your coworker recommended are great small steps you can take to better financial health.

Cheeky illustration of a woman of Asian-descent wearing a sheer coral top with her hair half-up in pigtail puns, the rest down. She is hugging a lion, who is smirking.


(July 23 - Aug 22)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): Offline mode
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): Errands on top of errands
  • Other Key Dates: 7/2, 7/10, 7/18, 7/21, 7/22, 7/23, 7/25

What do you think you’re missing out on anyway? Cancer season is always your most reclusive time of year. Though the FOMO is real, pushing yourself to go out, network or pull the love of your life out of thin air is only going to lead to frustration and burnout this month. Mercury enters your sign on the 2nd, followed by Venus on the 11th and finally the sun on the 22nd. Until your season is in full swing, it’s best to rest and focus on behind-the-scenes-work, especially at the full moon in Capricorn on the 21st which brings some work obligations to their climax.

Love Horoscope: If you’re single, wait until after your season begins on the 22nd to get back on the apps or go on that blind date with a friend of a friend. Venus is in your sign from the 11th which means that the best thing to cultivate this month is self love. Treat yourself right.

Money Horoscope: If money has been leaving your account faster than it goes in, you finally get some control back when money planet Mercury enters your sign on the 2nd. Then Mercury’s entrance into Virgo on the 25th gives you a boost for better budgeting and long term planning.

Cheeky illustration with a light blue background of a woman wearing a coral shirt coyly poking out from behind her hands.


(August 23 - September 23)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): Vibey night out with the whole crew
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): The end of a situationship
  • Other Key Dates: 7/2, 7/3, 7/8, 7/25

This month is for finding balance between your introverted and extroverted sides. Your ruling planet Mercury moves into Leo and your unconscious sector on the 2nd meaning that much of this month is best spent at a remove. At the same time though, you may be feeling the constant pull of social obligations, especially around the new moon in Cancer on the 5th. Compromise can be found in most situations but the full moon in Capricorn on the 21st might be about bailing on the party on staying home with your blanket and snacks instead.

Love Horoscope: If you’ve been dating for a while, you might be feeling the pressure to “make things official” this month with friends and family constantly asking when you’re going to take the next step. You might want to wait until your season next month for a hard launch though. Go on your own timeline.

Money Horoscope: This is a good month for you to do a no spend challenge, Virgo. Part of balancing your alone time and social life is figuring out how much you really want to be spending on and with your friends. What if instead of grabbing dinner, you took a walk in the park with a to go coffee instead?

680x400 Libra@2x


(September 23 - October 21)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): Charting new professional waters
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): Family drama turned up to max
  • Other Key Dates: 7/2, 7/8, 7/11, 7/12

Ready or not, this month puts you in the spotlight, Libra. The new moon in Cancer on the 5th lights up your career and public image sector making this whole month an ideal time to set professional goals and gain the recognition you crave. You have everyone’s attention right now, so make sure you’re communicating what you truly desire, not what you think everyone expects of you. There is of course still work to do at home and with your daily routines (this becomes especially clear at the full moon in Capricorn on the 21st), but now’s not the time to choose the couch over the party. Get out there!

Love Horoscope: The end of June saw you reaching a pivotal moment in your love life. The options were clear: commit or walk away, and July is for accepting whichever path you chose. If you’re dating, this is a great month to introduce a new lover to friends and if you’re single, now’s the time to shoot your shot with that cute friend of a friend.

Money Horoscope: The first half of the month could bring some unexpected fluctuations in your finances, peaking around the 15th when Mars conjoins surprising Uranus. New opportunities for business partnerships, collaborations and freelance gigs open up your financial world.

680x400 Scorpio@2x


(October 22 - November 21)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): First day of class!
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): Confrontation with a “friend”
  • Other Key Dates: 7/15, 7/20, 7/25

July is for opening your heart to new romance and partnerships of all kinds. The first half of the month brings some unexpected developments in your closest relationships. This could lead to a catharsis and  new levels of intimacy, or it could be the final nail in the coffin of a long suffering connection. The goal here is not to shy away from the hard conversations and leave behind those who aren’t willing to go there with you. The full moon in Capricorn puts a spotlight on your connection with an old friend. Is this a dynamic you want to emulate or has it become toxic? Listen to your gut.

Love Horoscope: This is a tricky month when it comes to love and relationships. Casual connections just aren’t doing it for you but you’re also feeling highly sensitive around the most important people in your life. If you’ve yet to explore couple’s or even solo therapy, now is a great time to start.

Money Horoscope: With Jupiter in your shared resources sector through next spring, now’s the time to be seeking out loans, debt forgiveness and lucrative business partnerships. Leo season (from the 22nd) is your most visible time of year and opens up opportunities to pitch to investors or make a splash at work.

Cheeky illustration of a Black woman with purple hair on an orange background. She's in a wearing jean jacket, with a quiver strapped across her back and arrows sticking out.


(November 22 - December 21)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): Meeting with a potential investor
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): The end of financial insecurity
  • Other Key Dates: 7/2, 7/20

When’s the big proposal, Sagittarius? With your ruling planet Jupiter in your relationship sector for the next year, you’re moving in with a partner, planning a wedding or finally filing for an LLC with your business partner. Working out shared finances, keeping the romance alive (even while sharing a bathroom), and dividing home and business responsibilities are on the agenda for this month. Cancer season has you working through the nitty-gritty of shared resources and collaborations before Leo season (from the 22nd) allows you to blossom into full visionary mode.

Love Horoscope: The auspicious connection of Venus and Jupiter on the 21st has you solidifying travel plans with a lover or on a date where you discover that you’ve both always dreamed of going to see the Northern lights. Connections you make this summer are meant to last and bring long term benefits.

Money Horoscope: Money may feel a bit tight this month as discipline planet Saturn (who rules over your bank account) is sitting completely still in the sky. Now’s the time for making frugal, budget conscious decisions. This all pays off at the full moon in Capricorn on the 21st sees you reaching yet another money milestone.

A cheeky image of a woman of color with dark hair holding a pink goat by the horns. The background is pink and her shirt is darker pink.


(December 22 - January 19)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): Cute first date
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): Emotional excavation (feel your feelings!)
  • Other Key Dates: 7/2, 7/8, 7/11, 7/12

Cancer season finds you finding much pleasure and inspiration in your closest relationships. Whether you’re committing to a romantic partner, taking a business partnership to the next level or supporting a bestie through a rough patch, your schedule is packed with date nights, 1-on-1 hangs and planning meetings. Your ruling planet Saturn is stationing retrograde all month in your local travel sector which keeps you focused on what’s right in front of you rather than the grand long term vision. The second full moon in your sign is on the 21st, and serves as a reminder that relationships are everything but ultimately: you should be your own number one priority.

Love Horoscope: As I already made clear above, July is all about relationships for you, Cancer. Things are particularly sweet and romantic while Venus is in your partnership sector through the 11th so prioritize date nights in the first part of the month.

Money Horoscope: Watch your spending this month as you might be tempted to splurge on gifts for friends or book an impulsive trip with your sister. This month might give you flashbacks to your #FrugalEra of 2021 through early 2023. Rather than frittering away cash, focus on spending quality time.

Cheeky image of a Black woman with blue hair on a light blue background. She's holding blue water in her palms, which is bubbling up and taking shape as her hair.


(January 20 - February 18)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): Is it finally time to do Couch to 5k?
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): Goblin mode
  • Other Key Dates: 7/2, 7/8, 7/11, 7/12

Cancer season finds you working hard and saving money. With your ruling planet Saturn going retrograde in your money sector all month, your already frugal mindset goes into overdrive. With less cash on hand, you’re going to have to get creative around how you spend your time. “No” is your favorite word, especially when it comes to making plans with friends who are obsessed with going deep into credit card debt. The full moon in Capricorn on the 21st may find you feeling particularly lonely and out of touch but once Leo season begins on the 22nd, your social life starts to open up again.

Love Horoscope: Venus moves into Leo and your relationship sector on the 11th making this month a particularly sweet time to foster deep connections. Whether you’re planning a getaway with a lover or nervous about a promising third date, you’re reaping the benefits of both pleasure and commitment.

Money Horoscope: As I already mentioned, this isn’t going to be a particularly flush month for you. That being said, there’s opportunity to clear some debts and grab a few amazing finds on sale. You don’t have to spend a lot to feel like a million bucks.

Cheeky illustration of a gender-fluid white person with short-cropped orange hair. They're wearing a light blue halter top as two bright pink koi fish circle their head.


(February 19 - March 20)

  • New Moon in Cancer (7/5): Embrace your inner child
  • Full Moon in Capricorn (7/21): Volunteer at the compost drop off
  • Other Key Dates: 7/2, 7/11

July is a homecoming for you, Pisces. With your ruling planet Jupiter in your home and family sector for the next year, you’re relocating, building your family or finding a way to make your remote job work better for you. Renovating your home office, scheduling more leisure time into your schedule and beautifying your space are all priorities for you throughout the summer but especially this month. Cancer season is your time to focus on pleasure and joy, and then Leo season (from the 22nd) is for getting back to the grind. 

Love Horoscope: The new moon in Cancer on the 5th is in your romance and creativity sector. With Venus also in this part of your chart (through the 11th), this is an especially auspicious time to revive your sex life, return to dating or get back in touch with your playful side.

Money Horoscope: Unexpected fluctuations to your finances are possible in the first half of the month, especially in regards to trips, classes or outings with your siblings or close friends. You thought you got a deal on that Airbnb, but it turns out the cleaning fees are astronomical. During the latter half of the month, you’re going to want to spend all of your extra money on home decor so save accordingly.

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Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast