
Your Monthly Horoscopes: January 2023

monthly horoscopes january 2023

2023 is here, and we’re all ready for a new year with new energy. But the astro weather says, “Not so fast!” Mars is retrograde in Gemini through the 12th and Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn through the 18th. There’s going to be some necessary tying up of loose ends before things really get started.

Venus leaves practical Capricorn for independent Aquarius on the 2nd, encouraging us all to approach love and connection from a more detached place. To counter this airy, aloof vibe though, the full moon in Cancer on the 6th has us all seeking comfort food, deep in our nostalgic feelings.

Mars retrograde ends on the 12th bringing conflicts or conversations from early September full circle. Things may not be fully resolved, but the plan forward is at least clear. Then on the 18th, Mercury retrograde ends, clearing up any last confusions or miscommunications.

Aquarius season kicks off on the 20th. Happy birthday to our unique, idealistic and humanitarian Aquarians like Harry Styles, Elizabeth Olsen and Kerry Washington. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st gives us a fresh start with some unexpected developments as radical Uranus stations direct on the 22nd.

January ends on the sweetest of notes as Venus enters dreamy, romantic Pisces where the love planet makes everything into a fairy tale. Why choose something realistic when you can choose something wonderful instead?

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign may provide further insight.)

The Most Incompatible Zodiac Signs That Should Never, Ever, Date, According to an Astrologer

Cheeky illustrations of a girl of color in a purple shirt and overalls with a baby ram over her shoulders. She is smiling and so is the ram. The overall color is purple—purple background, pink ram with purple horns and the girls is wearing a purple shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): A raucous yet cozy housewarming party
  • New Moon (1/21): First meeting for volunteering at the community garden
  • Other Key Dates: 1/9, 1/12, 1/29

More than any other sign, you know how to start a year strong, Aries. You’re always setting resolutions out the gate and getting right to work. January is usually the most career-focused month for you, but with your schedule changing and responsibilities under review, your ambitions feel more scattered than usual. Though you feel like a hot mess, this is a moment for necessary recalibration. Why keep filling your days with pointless tasks when you could be doing something that makes a real impact? Relief comes when your ruling planet Mars stations direct on the 12th, clearing the fog and putting communications back on track. After the 18th, a new job or community project fills most of your time so enjoy the chance to relax while you can!

Love Horoscope

If you’re single, you might find a great potential match via an intro from a friend or coworker on the 4th. The chemistry is great, just be prepared for slow communication while Mercury is retrograde through the 18th. If you’re partnered, things could get rocky from the 11th through the 14th as you navigate a new relationship challenge.

Money Horoscope

Uranus—planet of upheaval—stations direct on the 22nd and an invoice you sent back in August finally gets paid. Unfortunately this boon comes at the same time as an unexpected expense, but at least you have the cash to cover it!

Cheeky illustration of a young non-binary person petting a bull.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): Heartwarming hang with the besties
  • New Moon (1/21): Great first interview for a new job
  • Other Key Dates: 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/9, 1/11, 1/14, 1/22

January is yet another month of growing pains for you, Taurus, but the good news is that by the end of it, you’re going to be ready to burst from your cocoon! 2022 was a year of major changes, and now it’s time to integrate them. For most of the month, you’re particularly career-focused and bullish in your attempts to get ahead. Be careful of rubbing your boss or someone who works for you the wrong way on the 11th or 14th when even your enthusiasm could lead to disagreements. That said, the new moon on the 21st offers a clean slate for your public image that resolves any hard feelings. The month ends with your ruling planet Venus gliding into dreamy, romantic Pisces which improves your vitality and sweetens your connections.

Love Horoscope

Whether you’re recently engaged, trying out polyamory or freshly out of a long term partnership, the past few months have come with major recalibrations in your closest relationships. Mars stations direct on the 12th bringing events from September full circle, allowing you to move past hurt feelings and into a new era.

Money Horoscope

With Mercury retrograde in your travel and higher learning sector through the 18th, you may have to refinance loans or take out an extra line of credit to make your long term vision a reality. Then the new moon on the 21st marks a fresh start for your career.

Cheeky illustration of identical twins with long dark hair and a statement earrings back-to-back, smirking at each other.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): Amazing sale at your favorite local shop
  • New Moon (1/21): Summer vacation plane tickets acquired!
  • Other Key Dates: 1/2, 1/7, 1/8, 1/18, 1/29

2023 starts in a period of reflection, and for you, this is the month to get your support team in order. Mercury spends all of January in your shared resources sector giving you ample time to consider where you want to invest not just your cash but your time. Going to couples’ therapy, meeting with financial advisors or getting a head start on your taxes are all ideal undertakings for this transit. Exciting emotional breakthroughs comes on the 8th and 29th as your dreams and long term goals take shape. Use any extra time you have this month to collect your resources so that when you have more energy in the spring, you can make the magic happen.

Love Horoscope

Mars ends its long retrograde in your sign on the 12th, and the (literal or figurative) inflammation you’ve been holding in your body goes down. You’re feeling better in your body and are less likely to start petty arguments on the first date. If you’re partnered, trying something new with your love on the 4th strengthens your bond.

Money Horoscope

The full moon in Cancer on the 6th falls in your money sector and brings a much needed sense of abundance! Big splurges are possible with this lunation, especially on comfort items like cozy sweaters, weighted blankets or designer house slippers.

680x400 Cancer@2x

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): Book a spa day and get the hydrofacial!
  • New Moon (1/21): Loan application is due
  • Other Key Dates: 1/7, 1/18

After months of feeling stuck in a loop and delayed, 2023 starts with a whirlwind of activity. The full moon on the 6th is in your sign, bringing a culmination to the work you’ve been doing to improve your health and your image since last summer. You’re feeling better not only on the outside but the inside as well. When Mars stations direct on the 12th, you’re able to release lingering anxieties and fully move on from past disappointments. Things get quieter at the end of the month allowing you time to catch up on admin, sign contracts and schedule appointments. Instead of looking for the next problem to solve, try to sit in the relief that things are coming together.

Love Horoscope

With Mercury retrograde in your relationship sector for most of the month, you might be feeling disconnected from your partner or having communication issues. If you’re single, you’re having lots of first dates, but not finding anyone worth seeing again. A conversation with a friend on the 7th helps you clarify what you’re looking for in a partner.

Money Horoscope

The new moon on the 21st marks a fresh start for your shared resources. If 2022 was all about taking on more debt, this lunation marks a turning point that allows you to be more generous with others.

Cheeky illustration of a woman of Asian-descent wearing a sheer coral top with her hair half-up in pigtail puns, the rest down. She is hugging a lion, who is smirking.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): Burnout reaches a climax
  • New Moon (1/21): Productive “what are we?” chat
  • Other Key Dates: 1/5, 1/7, 1/13, 1/18, 1/24, 1/28, 1/29

As 2023 begins, you’re already so busy, yet can’t shake the feeling that if you don’t keep pushing harder, you’ll fall disastrously behind. Just as you’re about to reach total burnout, the full moon on the 6th falls in your unconscious sector, demanding that you take time to rest. Whether you’re starting a new job or taking on new care responsibilities at home, the first few weeks of the month have you constantly shuffling your schedule. After an extra rough day on the 18th, you find an easier flow that carries you through the end of the month. Once Aquarius season begins on the 21st, life is filled with meetings, dates and productive networking. Be patient with yourself. You will get your groove back.

Love Horoscope

The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st brings a fresh start for your closest relationships. Whether you’re single or partnered, this is a moment to forgive and put the past behind you so you can move forward together. The relationship you envisioned back in late 2020 is finally possible now.

Money Horoscope

If you’re starting a new job, salary negotiations may take longer than expected with Mercury retrograde through the 18th, You may also need to dip into savings or an emergency fund to cover pet or medical expenses. That being said, double check your insurance benefits as you may get some unexpected relief!

Cheeky illustration with a light blue background of a woman wearing a coral shirt coyly poking out from behind her hands.

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): Wholesome hang with coworkers
  • New Moon (1/21): Back to Pilates after a long break!
  • Other Key Dates: 1/2, 1/7, 1/8, 1/18, 1/29

January is for reinvigorating your creativity! Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde in your pleasure sector through the 18th encouraging you to revisit past artistic projects, reactivate your dating profiles and lean into your romantic side! You’re not just practical—you can also be a dreamer! It’s been years since work has felt like anything but a slog, but your passion for your career is sparked again as you take on more generative projects. You may also be spending this month on maternity leave or reflecting on goals for your family. How can you continue to make extra time for your kids when things get busy again? It’s a good idea to plan fun activities for later in the year now so you have something to look forward to!

Love Horoscope

Whether single or partnered, this month is for reflecting on what you desire. What really makes you feel good? Asking for what you want pays off after the 26th when Venus enters Pisces and your partnership sector sweetening your connections.

Money Horoscope

With expansive Jupiter now in your shared resources sector, this is a great time to apply for grants, loans or take out another line of credit. Everyone is more generous with you under this transit so expect lots of gifts. The caveat is you might receive too many gifts, including those that don’t fit your style or that you’ll never use. More isn’t always better.

680x400 Libra@2x

Libra (September 23 - October 21)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): Grid-worthy professional news
  • New Moon (1/21): Promising first date!
  • Other Key Dates: 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/9, 1/11, 1/14, 1/22

Your literal or figurative New Year’s hangover is rough this year as Venus meets Pluto on the 1st, bringing up all your lingering anxieties around debt or your health. But the gears switch quickly as Venus enters your pleasure sector on the 2nd, ushering in your most creative and romantic time of year. Then the full moon in Cancer on the 6th coincides with a breakthrough moment for your career. You deserve all of the good things coming your way, even if you’re still not sure about where you want to go next. As you come out of survival mode and lean into your power, it’s also your responsibility to figure out what you really want. Recognition doesn’t matter if you aren’t enjoying yourself!

Love Horoscope

If you’re single, dating has felt like an absolute chore over not only the last few months, but the last few years. But the new moon in Aquarius on the 21st gives you a fresh outlook re: your current romantic prospects. You don’t have to make the apps work if they’re not working for you. Get out there and meet someone IRL instead!

Money Horoscope

Unexpected news about a loan, grant or debt relief comes as innovative Uranus stations direct on the 22nd. If you work as a freelancer, clients who ghosted back in August return with inquiries and project ideas.

680x400 Scorpio@2x

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): Boarding plane for next big adventure
  • New Moon (1/21): Get keys for new apartment
  • Other Key Dates: 1/9, 1/12, 1/29

January has big “get your sh*t together!” energy, Scorpio. This is always a busy time of year for you, but for once, you’re deep in resolving your own problems rather than running around trying to fix everyone else’s. Whether you’re starting a new job, meeting with a new therapist, or finally resolving a tax issue that’s stressed you out for years, this month is all about getting your power back! Extra relief comes when your ruling planet Mars stations direct on the 12th bringing resolution to a health issue that first came up back in September. You’re feeling more like yourself than you have in months! The new moon on the 21st is for resolving family conflicts and cultivating a sense of groundedness.

Love Horoscope

An unexpected conversation with a lover shakes up your world on the 22nd. Somehow this relationship isn’t playing out how you thought it would. If you’re single, Venus enters your romance sector on the 26th and all kinds of suitors are coming out of the woodwork. Time to get in touch with your sensual side!

Money Horoscope

With luck planet Jupiter now in your daily grind sector, you’re feeling much more supported and empowered at work. Instead of taking on extra gigs to make ends meet, why not go for it and ask for a raise?

Cheeky illustration of a Black woman with purple hair on an orange background. She's in a wearing jean jacket, with a quiver strapped across her back and arrows sticking out.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): Huge payout hits your bank account
  • New Moon (1/21): Cute coffee shop opens in your neighborhood
  • Other Key Dates: 1/4, 1/12, 1/24

2023 is a year of homecomings for you. Whether you’re saving to buy a house, moving back to your hometown or finally living on your own sans roommates, this month is all about re-evaluating your budget to allow for more freedom in your living space. Good news about a loan or debt comes with the full moon on the 6th, getting you even closer to reaching financial goals. Bring on the happy tears! As your priorities shift, you also spend this month building a new schedule and routine. The new moon on the 21st is the perfect time to organize your inbox, revive your group chat or get your car serviced. Creating simple rituals in the neighborhood like daily walks and regular visits with neighbors gives you purpose.

Love Horoscope

Mars has been in your partnership sector since late August bringing tension to all of your closest relationships. The red planet stations direct on the 12th as a conflict from September comes full circle. Now’s your chance to put it to rest and work toward resolution.

Money Horoscope

As mentioned, the full moon on the 6th brings you great news about a mortgage, debt relief or grant opportunity. Use some of the extra cash coming your way to give back to a friend who gave you great financial advice last year. Your generosity always returns to you.

A cheeky image of a woman of color with dark hair holding a pink goat by the horns. The background is pink and her shirt is darker pink.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): Amazing date night or business meeting
  • New Moon (1/21): First day of Whole 30
  • Other Key Dates: 1/22

How much of your identity is tied to your work, Capricorn? Are you aware that you’re more than your long term goals and professional ambitions? Though this month brings tons of extra responsibility and obstacles at the office, you’re learning how to not take your boss’ gripes so personally. At the full moon on the 6th, your partner or BFF throws you the best birthday party you’ve ever had. One where all your friends go around in a circle and announce what they love most about you. This comes as yet another reminder that you’re so much more than your accomplishments or bank account. Mars stations direct on the 12th bringing some calm to the hectic schedule you’ve been navigating since September. Splurge on a massage, new wardrobe pieces or fresh makeup as a treat for making it through!

Love Horoscope

If you’re partnered, the full moon on the 6th is the most romantic day you’ve had in a long time. This is one of those sweet and simple days that really solidifies your bond. If you’re single, you develop an unexpected crush as Uranus stations direct on the 22nd. Why not go for it?

Money Horoscope

Yes, this month’s big lesson is that your career isn’t everything. But! You do get a well-deserved promotion (that, of course, comes with a raise) as Venus meets Saturn on the 22nd. All of your hard work really is paying off.

Cheeky image of a Black woman with blue hair on a light blue background. She's holding blue water in her palms, which is bubbling up and taking shape as her hair.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): PR on your 5K!
  • New Moon (1/21): New moon, new you
  • Other Key Dates: 1/2, 1/22

As someone who’s always looking out for the collective, it’s so rare that you get a moment to focus on yourself. But with love planet Venus spending most of the month in your sign, you’re literally glowing and feeling good from the inside out. You’re not showing off your upgraded wardrobe and excellent skincare routine at parties and events though, you actually spend most of this month declining invitations and enjoying solo time. Now’s the moment to get ahead on your reading, research and travel planning before you’re too busy to just chill later this year. The new moon in your sign on the 21st is a moment to let go of any remaining worries and reintegrate into social life. Everyone takes your ideas seriously. No one will think less of you if you prioritize having fun.

Love Horoscope

Mars stations direct in your romance sector on the 12th bringing a crush from September back into your DMs. After spending the last few months reflecting on your dating successes and failures, you’re better prepared to flirt and ask for what you want.

Money Horoscope

Venus enters your money sector on the 26th which is great news for your bank account. Under this influence, you’re less tempted to spend on frivolous junk, seeking out high quality items instead. Overall, this transit saves you money as you’re happier with what you already have.

Cheeky illustration of a gender-fluid white person with short-cropped orange hair. They're wearing a light blue halter top as two bright pink koi fish circle their head.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

January 2023 Overview

  • Full Moon (1/6): Raucous karaoke night with friends or a date
  • New Moon (1/21): Start a meditation practice
  • Other Key Dates: 1/4, 1/12, 1/24

This is a super busy month for you as you reconnect with old friends and coworkers over hot chocolate dates and winter strolls. The pandemic has of course been an isolating time for everyone, but you have been especially out of the loop. Over the next few weeks, you’re exiting your hermit era and getting back into a social groove. You may also be switching up your daily routine whether you’re going back to in person work at the office, or just being more intentional about getting out of the house for workouts and IRL meetings. The new moon in Aquarius on the 21st coincides with your schedule slowing down, and has you taking rest and alone time back into your own hands. What does solitude feel like when it isn’t forced upon you?

Love Horoscope

The full moon on the 6th is a breakthrough moment for your dating life. Things have been slow since you joined the apps last summer, but you’re finally getting some juicy matches. If you’re partnered, get a babysitter and plan a date. Don’t miss out on the most romantic night of the year!

Money Horoscope

With lucky Jupiter in your money sector through May, you’re feeling expensive. You have more resources at your disposal and it’s being reflected in your style and how you take care of yourself. On the 24th, a necessary splurge on new furniture helps you update your workspace to bring more calm to your days.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

Jaime Wright Astrologer PureWow e1723737740541


  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast