
Your Monthly Horoscopes: February 2022

With Venus and Mercury both retrograde for most of last month, 2022 thus far has been more about reviewing the past than facing the future. But February begins with a new moon in Aquarius on the 1st (happening the evening of January 31st on the West Coast) which, though complicated, provides an inspiring fresh slate. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 3rd adding to the building momentum.

The middle of the month has a whole lot of action at once. Mercury, once again moving quite fast, enters Aquarius on the 14th, providing some delightfully weird conversation to our Valentine’s Day (however it is you celebrate…or don’t). Then on the 16th, Mars and Venus conjoin in Capricorn signaling a release after nearly a month of cosmic edging. The full moon in Leo that same night ensures dramatic climaxes both in and out of the bedroom.

Jupiter connects with innovative Uranus on the 17th encouraging us to take risks toward positive change. Then on the 18th, Pisces season begins! Happy birthday to our lovable, imaginative and sensitive space cadets from Mr. Rogers to Olivia Wilde to Rihanna. With the sun in idealist Pisces, the month ends on a more hopeful and otherworldly note than it began. Dreamy, romantic and perfect for an escape.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign may provide further insight.)

12 aries

Your ruler Mars has returned to Capricorn—the sign where the action planet does its best work—for the first time since March 2020. As a result, you’re feeling energized in a way you haven’t experienced since before, well, gestures broadly at everything. Your reclaimed vitality gives a boost to your public image and career. If you’ve been angling for a promotion or some recognition from your family, your strategy pays off in a sweet way on the 16th. Though your passions are certainly appreciated, going too hard could lead to burnout by the end of the month. Pisces season is a lovely time for a retreat, especially on the 23rd.

Love Horoscope: Both you and your partner are focused on career, image and goals this month, leaving very little time to plan a date. The full moon in Leo on the 16th falls in your romance sector though, allowing you to prioritize pleasure if only for a night.

Money Horoscope: Both you and your partner are making strides in your career and toward your financial goals this month meaning that your household’s net worth is on the rise. Just watch out for spending your entire bonus when Venus and Mars connect with hazy Neptune on the 23rd and 24th. Contribute to your retirement fund instead.

1 taurus

Even if you weren’t fighting a legal battle, finishing a dissertation, or applying for jobs in a foreign city while Venus was retrograde in December and January, you certainly felt like you were. With Venus now direct, you’re slowly but surely moving ahead while picking up the pieces of what transpired. The full moon in Leo on the 16th is an opportunity to get back in touch with your foundation. How can you support your long-term vision from the ground up? Connection with friends becomes a necessity when Pisces season begins on the 18th. More than usual, you’re inspired to get involved and expand your reach, particularly on the 24th.

Love Horoscope: Relationship planets Venus and Mars travel together for almost the entire month, a very rare occurrence in astrology. For you, this is a breakthrough or breakup transit that peaks on or around the 16th. If it’s a breakup, this is one of those situations where no one did anything wrong, you’re just on different pages about where you want to go in life.

Money Horoscope: Money growth has been slow for most of this year with Mercury retrograde since mid-January. Once the commerce planet stations direct on the 3rd, you get your invoices paid, your offer letters signed and your tax refunds on the way.

2 gemini

Whether you’re researching grants and loans to help your fledgling business or deep-stalking your ex’s Instagram to sort out what exactly went wrong, when Mercury stations direct on the 3rd, you’re feeling overwhelmed with information. Knowledge is power, but you might need to shake off some of the heaviness with your BFF or your therapist, especially on the 11th. Thankfully when Mercury re-enters Aquarius on the 14th you can shift your focus to the future. Friends and family are also constantly in your business this month, seeking your opinion on everything. If you’re struggling to find words to give good advice, some unexpected inspiration arrives on the 24th when Mercury clashes with innovative Uranus.

Love Horoscope: Your sex life heats up as action planet Mars connects with feel-good Jupiter on the 4th. Don’t be afraid to try something new in the bedroom as this month is for exploring things you previously found taboo.

Money Horoscope: As your ruler Mercury stations direct in your house of shared resources on the 3rd, you get news about a long overdue inheritance or tax payout. Money is coming your way, but you may have to jump through some hoops to get it. The full moon in Leo on the 16th also has you daydreaming about going into business for yourself.

3 cancer

Just because something doesn’t last forever doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it. Impermanence has its own value. The new moon in Aquarius on the 1st finds you at an energetic low, relying on others for support as you process a loss, sort through debts and contemplate burnout. Remember that this feeling won’t last forever; your vitality, like the moon, waxes and wanes. The full moon in Leo on the 16th is a bright spot in your month with vibrancy and drama abound. This is a lunation for showing off, bragging and riding your ego like a wave. Save your selflessness for when Pisces season begins on the 18th when you’re inspired to share more of your knowledge with the group.

Love Horoscope: Relationships have been tricky for you so far this year. If you’re single, you’ve been fixated on self-improvement or getting to a certain place in your career before getting back into the dating game. If you’re in a relationship, you’ve been dealing with off-balance power dynamics as you or your partner requires extra care. Things recalibrate and get easier once Venus and Mars connect on the 16th.

Money Horoscope: Both the new moon on the 1st and the full moon on the 16th fall in your money sectors making this a great month to get on top of your budgets and finances. Focus on planting seeds with savings and investments so you can see your personal worth grow.

pting you to sign up for expensive boutique fitness classes. The splurge is worth it if it gets you excited to move again.

4 leo

You thrive when the days are long, so Aquarius season is usually the lowest point of the year for your vitality. Though you’re feeling very less than, as the sun meets Saturn on the 4th, you’re able to show up for your partner, bestie or work wife in a way that brings you closer, solidifying your bond for many years to come. The full moon in Leo on the 16th allows for a reprieve from all the hard work and selflessness. Dress up! Be dramatic! Take up all the space you want! Then on the 18th, the sun enters Pisces ushering in a season of compassionate conversation, delicate financial negotiations and cathartic tears in therapy.

Love Horoscope: Aquarius season is always partnership focused for you, and if you’re single, this means you might be feeling extra alienated or lonely. Mercury enters your relationship sector on the 14th encouraging you to take a risk and strike up a conversation with someone who isn’t your usual type.

Money Horoscope: Mercury rules all things money in your chart and with the commerce planet moving direct again on the 3rd, you’re feeling inundated with bills that were easy to ignore during the retrograde (out of sight, out of mind!). Mercury connects with innovative Uranus on the 24th inspiring a radical plan to get you out of debt.

5 virgo

You’re not usually one to admit to imperfections, but Mercury retrograde has made you aware of all the missteps you’ve taken along the path to getting what you want. Whether you’re after romance, creative fulfillment or motherhood, when Mercury stations direct on the 3rd, you’re in a place of feeling empowered rather than humiliated by your previous mistakes. Once the communication planet re-enters Aquarius on the 14th, you’re back in your usual detail-oriented comfort zone. The full moon in Leo on the 16th falls in your unconscious sector, allowing you to recharge in solitude. Take that opportunity for solace while it lasts because once Pisces season begins on the 18th, your focus shifts to caring for all the important people in your life.

Love Horoscope: Love planet Venus is moving direct and slow in your romance sector, a lovely transit for dating and taking things slow with a new love. When Venus connects with Mars on the 16th, you get a clear red or green flag to keep moving ahead.

Money Horoscope: Teaming up with a business partner or financial advisor to work out your money moves is a great idea this month, especially when Mars connects with Jupiter on the 4th. If you’re self-employed, you might be surprised by your tax bill so consult an expert to make sure things are easier next year.

6 libra

Venus retrograde left you deep in the process of home renovations, apartment hunting or familial upheaval for all of the holiday season into January. With Venus finally moving direct again, you’re back in the same place you were in November, only much wiser. Maybe you wanted to move and now you’re determined to stay. Maybe you were about to cut off your dad and now you’re closer than ever. As Venus meets Mars on the 16th, a wild, romantic night makes you certain that all your choices have been worth it. Then on the 18th, the sun enters Pisces allowing you to lean into healthy living and the support of a solid routine.

Love Horoscope: Your love life is extremely active this month and the new moon on the 1st has you feeling very romantic. By the full moon on the 16th, you’re either taking your new lover home to meet the family or deciding the time is finally right to sign a lease with your partner.

Money Horoscope: Whether you’re moving in with a partner or getting out from under the thumb of an awful landlord, a lot of your money this month is going to improve your living situation. Mars connects with Jupiter on the 4th kickstarting the process and making the hard work feel easy.

7 scorpio

This month’s headline is How Scorpio Got Her Groove Back. With your ruler Mars back in Capricorn—the sign where the action planet is known for kicking ass and taking names—for the first time since March 2020, you’re feeling motivated in all aspects of your life. On the 16th, the full moon in Leo lights up your public image sector, pushing you back into the job search after months of unemployment or dissatisfaction in your current position. Despite all the good vibes and great energy, all this excess vitality could be a one-way train to burn out. Pisces season begins on the 18th allowing you to relax and take a softer focus.

Love Horoscope: Love planet Venus is finally direct again and slowly transiting your house of friends and neighbors. So if you’re looking for romance, take a long walk in the neighborhood and don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation. Once Pisces season begins on the 18th, finding your next hookup becomes a priority and by then, you have lots of options.

Money Horoscope: With the expansion planet Jupiter in Pisces, you’re very willing to take financial risks this year. On the 4th, your sister gives you the heads up about a hot new stock. Why not take her advice and invest a little bit of your disposable income?

8 sagittarius

Aquarius season is always a hectic time for you. Whether you’re deep in the final push of a creative project, managing your sister or BFF’s bachelorette planning or taking on extra volunteer shifts at the local food Co-op, it feels crucial to design a more sustainable routine. This is especially clear when Jupiter connects with innovative Uranus on the 17th. You have the ideal job, the ideal WFH space and all the childcare that you need so how can you further optimize? Or better yet, how can you forget productivity and prioritize your health? When Pisces season begins on the 18th, your schedule eases up and you’re ready to retreat. Remember: You’re doing your best work at home.

Love Horoscope: You love variety when it comes to romance and on the 14th as Mercury enters Aquarius, you and your partner start planning a series of romantic day trips. If the spark has been lacking, these excursions revive your love life, especially on the 24th when Mercury connects with innovative Uranus.

Money Horoscope: Mercury stations direct in your money sector on the 3rd, and your delayed paycheck finally comes through. Unfortunately, as soon as that cash clears, you need to spend it all on unpaid bills. On the 11th, Mercury meets up with Pluto (an aspect that repeats from December 30th and January 28th) encouraging you to stop avoiding your bank balance and reclaim your financial power.


Your powers are undeniable at the top of the month with Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto all convening in your sign. As the sun meets Saturn in your money sector on the 4th, you commit not only to a new budgeting plan but also to owning your self-worth. Your confidence builds even more as Venus conjoins Mars in your sign on the 16th giving you a glow that has suitors eating out of the palm of your hand. Then on the 18th, Pisces season has you shifting gears to productive rest. A quick trip out of town and a relaxing weekend of reading fiction keeps you refreshed as the month ends.

Love Horoscope: Your love life is a bit sleepy at the top of the month as the new moon on the 1st has you avoiding any superficial connections. Laying low pays off by the full moon in Leo on the 16th when you’re suddenly the center of attention. Only go on dates that make you feel like the queen you are.

Money Horoscope: With both lunations (new and full moons) happening in your money sectors this month, finances are running the show. The full moon on the 16th brings especially fated events so watch out for inheritance payments, grant awards or loan forgiveness around this time.

10 aquarius

The real ones know that you prefer consistency to constant innovation. 2021 was a year of constant upheaval, especially at home and with your family and the trend is continuing this year. The new moon in Aquarius on the 1st is a chance for you to stabilize yourself amidst the storm. You don’t have to keep putting on a brave face just to make everyone else feel better. The sun meets Saturn on the 4th further encouraging you to take responsibility for your own goals and happiness. On the 14th, Mercury re-enters your sign giving you plenty to talk about on awkward first dates, Zoom meetings and belated catch ups with friends in the second half of the month.

Love Horoscope: If you’re dating, you might feel like all connections are leading nowhere until Mercury enters your sign on the 14th and you finally meet someone who speaks your language—especially your love language. If you’re already partnered, the full moon in Leo on the 16th is your annual opportunity to go all out on date night.

Money Horoscope: An opportunity to earn more cash comes from out of nowhere on the 4th. This offer seems too good to be true and it just might be, so be sure to get all of the details before making any agreements. Abundance comes easily when you trust the source.

11 pisces

Though many of your friends are still shaking off those bad vibes from 2020 and 2021, you’re feeling yourself. The full moon in Leo on the 16th has you laser-focused on improving your health, wellness and general life admin. Schedule those doctor appointments you’ve been avoiding and check to see if your license is expired! Then on the 17th, Jupiter connects with innovative Uranus allowing you to embrace your own flow. You’re seriously considering moving to a new neighborhood, launching your own business or getting back in touch with an ex. Your season begins on the 18th to further remind you that you don’t need anyone’s approval to do exactly what you want.

Love Horoscope: Mercury goes direct on the 3rd bringing clarity to a situationship that’s already had many ups and downs. Even if you two get on the same page, you might be physically separated from your love once Mercury enters your unconscious center on the 14th. Hey, this might be the month you finally get into phone sex!

Money Horoscope: Now that Mars is in powerful Capricorn, you’re feeling much more confident making money moves, especially when the action planet connects with your ruler Jupiter on the 4th. Then on the 24th, Mars connects with hazy Neptune allowing you to dream big about a future project—like your wedding or startup business— that’s going to require a lot of financial backing.

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. Subscribe to her newsletter for more astrological musings.

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  • Astrologer and writer of PureWow's weekly and monthly horoscopes
  • Consulting astrologer based in Brooklyn
  • Host of the "Good Fortunes" podcast