“My wife wants me to lose weight, and says she’s starting to lose attraction to me. I was about 25 pounds lighter when we met and used to be really physically active. But since my job has gotten more demanding, I’ve definitely become sedentary, and have gained weight as a result. This never really bothered me…until I realized that it bothered her! So, do I owe it to her to lose the weight? Or can I explain that this is just the way my body is right now?”
Physical attraction is an important part of any romantic relationship. I know we’d like to think that everyone falls in love with their partner for a glowing personality, but perceived hotness usually precedes the decision to become intimately involved. That said, you should never feel scrutinized for every bit of weight you lose or gain. Bodies change. Attraction shifts. Life happens.
So, on that front, do you owe it to your wife to lose weight and in order for her to stay attracted to you?