
3 Ways to Help Guard Your Family Against Germs This School Year

how to guard against germs this school year
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If being a parent has taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected. Yet, there’s one thing we can always expect: Back-to-school sniffles—aka the surge of sickness that typically occurs at the start of the school year usually a few weeks in, after everyone has been inside the classroom, sharing germs in a big petri dish.

It’s quite reasonable that a long summer of fun in the sun and being away from larger groups of kids helps many children take a break from common infections and illnesses. When they come back to school in the fall, their immune systems are challenged by exposure to all sorts of viruses and bacteria, in addition to a more closed-in environment.

Even the healthiest of kids can be susceptible to catching something right around this time, so it’s a good idea to take extra precautions for a sick-free start of term. We chatted with Christina Johns*, a pediatrician + Senior Medical Advisor at PM Pediatric Care, about the smartest ways to get through the season (relatively) germ-free. Here’s what she told us.

Meet the Expert

Christina Johns, MD, MEd, FAAP is a pediatrician + Senior Medical Advisor at PM Pediatric Care, the largest pediatric urgent care group in the U.S. She received her undergraduate degree at the University of Pennsylvania and her medical training at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

1. Review Hygiene Practices

According to Stanford Children’s Health, only two-thirds of adults wash their hands after using the restroom (ick!), so imagine the statistics for kids who aren’t old enough to know better. “Whether your kiddo is six or sixteen, good infection control habits are essential to staying safe and healthy,” says Johns. And everyone, regardless of age, needs some reminders every now and then. Johns’ advises to follow these basic guidelines:

  1. Avoid sharing food with peers, no matter how close you are. Do not finish other people’s drinks or lunches once they have started consuming them.
  2. If you have to cough or sneeze, remember to do so into the inside of your elbow to avoid spraying others with droplets. If you use a tissue, throw it out right away. Always sanitize your hands after a cough or a sneeze.
  3. Wash or sanitize hands regularly throughout the day, and especially when you get home from school. If possible, change out of ‘outside’ clothing as soon as you enter your house. Wash for as long as it takes to sing the ABCs or the Happy Birthday song twice.
  4. Respect the personal space of other people. Avoid touching others unnecessarily. And try not to touch your face!

“If your child is in middle or high school (and especially if they are in athletics), make sure to go over locker room safety and hygiene reminders, such as wearing flip flops to avoid foot fungus, placing clothing in a plastic bag instead of the floor, giving each other space when changing and keeping the locker clear and dry,” she adds.

2. Don’t Underestimate Sleep, Diet and Exercise

“Depending on your child’s age, they need anywhere between 8 and 10 hours or more of sleep every night to maintain healthy growth and development. Getting enough sleep also contributes to a strong immune system, thus helping them fight off illnesses during the back-to-school season. It may be difficult to get back into the school year bedtime schedule, but consistency is key, and doing so is instrumental in setting them up for a successful and healthy term.

“Another great way to boost the immune system is to eat a balanced diet, consisting of whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and lots of water. Food education is a big part of making sure school-age kids get the proper nutrition because you can’t always control what they’re eating. Thus, they must learn to make good choices when away from home—initiate conversations about healthy foods and dietary balance with your family. Enlist your kids in assisting with food prep! It’s a great way to teach them agency over their health.

“Physical exercise and conditioning play a role as well, adding to overall reserve which renders anyone and everyone better positioned to protect against and fight off any infection. Encourage your kids to join a fall sport or other active extracurricular and remind them to take advantage of their physical education class—they will likely miss the free daily workout as adults. Of course, moderation is important here, as overwhelming the body physically could actually lead to lowered immune protection,” says Johns.

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3. When You Can’t Avoid—Manage!

Realistically, it’s impossible to create a 100 percent foolproof defense against all germs, and it’s likely someone in your household may become ill at some point throughout the year. Try to be flexible and do your best to get ahead of the situation. Check your medicine cabinet for expired medication, then stock up on handy over-the-counter items at Walmart like cetirizine, Tylenol and ibuprofen. The retailer has all the OTC things you need for the coming season: Cold and flu medications, seasonal allergy prep and even at-home health tests. They also offer Express Delivery options, in case you find yourself in a bind later on. (Express Delivery subject to availability; restrictions and fees apply.) Think of Walmart as your one-stop-shop for keeping your family’s wellness in check.

*Disclaimer: Christina Johns, MD, MEd, FAAP and PM Pediatric Care do not endorse any particular brand, service, or product.

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