The phone call was seen as a major turn in their case, “in light of what happened,” says Eliza, the TV producer. “What happened?” asks Wayne, as if he has no idea what she is talking about. In 1990, they’d established the call was, indeed, from Julie and it originated from a truck stop outside Russell View.
In that decade where Amelia and Wayne can barely stay civil with each other, Wayne asks his wife where she is headed. Amelia says she’s going to write a sequel to her book, based on the current investigation because the publisher wants it badly. A seemingly kind moment where Amelia ties Wayne’s tie turns into another volatile argument between the two about the case at the center of their lives.
As Wayne and Roland continue their investigation, they discover that Tom was day drinking and was about to lose his job at the time the kids disappeared. He wasn’t getting along with the rest of the guys, who caught Tom going into a gay club. While searching Tom’s apartment they come across some poker chips, photos of him and baby Julie, past due bills, condoms and a flyer on how homosexuality can be cured by the church. Doesn’t mean he did anything to his kids, says Roland. “It’s looking less and less like they’re his kids,” counters Wayne.
Even in 1980, when Wayne finds out that a backpack and shirt have been discovered at Woodard’s, he feels there is something wrong with the evidence. Kindt and his people want this case solved, pronto, and despite Wayne insisting that Woodard is innocent, it seems the case is about to go away, just like that.
In 2015, there seems to be an understanding that Tom may have planted the evidence at Woodard’s, but in 1990, the evidence was discovered by Harris James, a police officer who left the force, who we also know disappeared, based on talks with Eliza in 2015.
Apparently, all roads continue to lead to Hoyt, where Harris James is working as chief security officer. He claims he’s the one who made the connection between the backpack and the Purcell kids, but not the one who found it. He also recalls seeing Tom in the field, watching the police go through the scene. As he banters with Wayne, Harris makes a comment about his good-looking body, which we at this point might consider flirting. Maybe Harris and Tom were involved with each other?
Eliza is getting a little pushy with Wayne about the deaths of the Purcell clan: Tom, Lucy and Dan are gone, and she’s wondering if a drained quarry is going to produce the remains of Harris James as well. “I wouldn’t know, miss,” Wayne says with a cold stare. Eliza continues to push him about the number of fatalities surrounding the Purcell case. Wayne asks to stop and as he walks out, his eyes land on a picture of Amelia.