
Calling All Ruth Ware Fans: This Is the Book to Get You Through the End of Summer

whisper man hero

Couldn’t put down The Girl on the Train or The Woman in Cabin 10? Then, boy, do we have a treat for you.

The Whisper Man, the new novel by Alex North, tells the story of a widower and his son, Jake, who move to the tiny English town of Featherbank to start fresh. Except, the town has a super creepy history, including a serial killer who abducted and murdered five young boys. But, lo and behold, the culprit is caught. So why does the widower, Tom, start to feel like something isn’t right? Another boy goes missing, and Tom’s young son says he hears someone outside his window at night. Maybe “The Whisper Man” had an accomplice?

The perfect book to take to the beach on Labor Day Weekend, or round out your last book club of summer with, The Whisper Man draws on the author’s own experiences of living in Leeds, England, with his son, who one day told his father he was playing with “the boy in the floor.” Got goose bumps yet? Us, too.

Another reason to keep it on your radar: The novel just had its rights optioned by the directors behind Avengers: Infinity War (so expect to see a trailer for the movie adaptation soon ... we’re thinking a gray-eyed Edward Norton as the lead character, or possibly a scruffy-looking Jude Law).

And don’t forget to take some melatonin with you on vacay. You’ve been warned.

7 Books We Can’t Wait to Read in August


Director, Branded Content + Cohost, Royally Obsessed Podcast

As Director of Branded Content at Gallery Media Group, Roberta helps oversee the ideation and execution of sponsored content and experiential campaigns across PureWow and ONE37pm, including PureWow’s 24 in ’24. She began her career in editorial nine years ago, and has written and edited countless articles on news, trends, fashion, beauty and the royal family. She’s also cohost of the Royally Obsessed podcast, named one of the best royals podcasts by The New York Times and Town & Country. She cowrote the book Royal Trivia: Your Guide to the Modern British Royal Family.