
Prince William Encountered a Rare Royal ‘Crisis’...a Baby Bit His Finger

Gotta watch out for those chompers

Prince William.
Jordan Pettitt/Pool/Getty Images

There are a few royal family members who get round-the-clock protection from their security detail, but we're guessing Prince William, 41, didn't expect he'd need his during this interaction.

The Prince of Wales journeyed to Singapore this past week for the 2023 Earthshot Prize Awards, where he honored innovators who are helping to find solutions to aid our planet. During his time there, the royal not only led the ceremony, but he also met with local members of the public, including a baby who ended up biting his finger.

william hero 1
Chris Jackson/Getty Images

On his first day there, the Prince of Wales visited the Jewel Changi Airport with Sim Ann, the Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Development for Singapore. As the pair walked around the connecting HSBC Rain Vortex, the visiting royal was greeted by onlookers, and he gave his hellos (breaking protocol by taking a few selfies in the process).

During one conversation with a family, Prince William met 8-month-old Albane Costa, who ended up taking a tiny bite of the royal's finger. In a video captured by one fan, we can see that Will calls the baby “so sweet,” and he handles the moment with poise. “I need my finger back,” he says with a laugh.

Prince William with baby.
Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Of course, we've seen that Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, 41, are masters when it comes to dealing with kids in public.

The pair often pull out their go-to moves, like kneeling down to speak with kids at their level.

We even saw the Prince of Wales in full dad mode this past June, when he visited the Tillydrone Community Campus in Aberdeen, Scotland, and he happily talked to a baby who one mother was holding up.

You always take things in stride, William.

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Associate Editor, News and Entertainment

Joel is the former Associate Editor for News & Entertainment and has been reporting on all things pop culture for over 5 years. Before working at PureWow, he served as a Features Editor at ROCKET Magazine. When he's not dissecting the latest trends in entertainment (or guiding you on what to watch), he covers all the hottest red carpet looks and fashion movements. When he steps away from the keyboard, you can likely find him at an NYC concert, thrift store or LGBTQ+ bookstore happily perusing the shelves.