
Prince Harry Cut a Rug with Jane Goodall (And You Have to See the Video of His Dance Moves!)

Proof Prince Harry isn’t all pomp and circumstance: At an event this week, the Duke of Sussex had the chance to introduce Dr. Jane Goodall—the renowned ethologist and primatologist known for her study of wild chimpanzees in Tanzania—and thought it was a fantastic opportunity to have a little fun.

How so? He took Dr. Goodall by the hand and danced.

OK, it wasn’t just any dance. According to the @SussexRoyal Instagram account—run by Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and their team—the impromptu dance was actually a “Chimpanzee Greeting,” something that Dr. Goodall taught the Duke when they first met years ago.

The event celebrated a cause that both Prince Harry (and Markle) hold near and dear to their hearts: Dr. Goodall’s organization Roots & Shoots, which she launched in 1991 to help bring together young people from around the world who are leading projects in their communities to make the world a better place for people, animals and the environment.

And although Prince Harry has long supported her work, Dr. Goodall told reporters that she’s not surprised by his renewed interest in the environment post-Archie. 

According to People, she said this about their conversations: “We talked about Roots & Shoots and I said, ‘Of course you’re interested now, you have a baby,’ and he said, ‘Of course!’ When you bring a child into the world, you have to worry about the future. If we don’t make a change, we don’t have a future. It’s as simple as that.”

Still, @SussexRoyal was quick to point out when they shared the dancing video that “working hard and playing hard are not mutually exclusive.” (Hear, hear.)

More candid Prince Harry moments like this one, please.

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Senior Director, Special Projects and Royals

  • Writes and produces family, fashion, wellness, relationships, money and royals content
  • Podcast co-host and published author with a book about the British Royal Family
  • Studied sociology at Wheaton College and received a masters degree in journalism from Emerson College