PureWow: Could you tell me a bit about how you trained for Saxon's character on The White Lotus? What was that experience like?
Patrick Schwarzenegger: The project was amazing, I enjoyed it tremendously. But we actually didn't have much time from when we got the job until we actually started filming. I think I had three weeks or four weeks that I got the job till day one of filming. My first day filming was actually episode one, [where I'm] shirtless and [have] scenes at the pool. So actually, if you see day one versus what you see in episode three, of me coming in and meeting Chloe by the pool, I'm actually 15 pounds bigger, and I'm like 10 shades darker of a tan because we filmed there for seven months. It was on our off days, I just honestly worked out a lot and I ate the Thai buffet all the time. I got more muscular just from all the time I had working out, but it was an amazing shoot. It was incredible, I wish we could go back.
PW: You are nothing like your character, Saxon, but you play him so well and add depth to that role. How did you go about embodying that character? Who were your inspirations?
PS: I just tried to kind of take personality traits and qualities from different people that I thought would mesh together to make this character Saxon. And so I tried to replicate someone's laugh that I thought sounded kind of like a hyena, and was really funny. I tried to take up the physicality and how another person I know walks, and Parker Posey was actually really funny with that, because she's a big believer in working on the physicality of a character. And how do they walk in, which part of their body did they lead with, and all these different things.
PW: Saxon's fashion choices definitely stand out, how did the team decide on his aesthetic?
PS: We built together a page of what the character would wear, and some examples of different people that we used as a mood board, and that really helps put together a character, too, from those ridiculous glasses with the little band that goes around the head and the salmon-colored shirt with the blue khaki shorts and the flip flop sandals. There's so many different things that go together to make this character who he is.