
Olay Created a Hand Serum for Frontline Responders

It's pretty safe to say that, collectively, we have all washed our hands more in the past five weeks than we have in the last five years. All for good reason, of course, seeing as hand hygiene is one of the easiest and most effective ways to keep germs from spreading.

Now, imagine how frequently all of the frontline workers are washing and sanitizing their hands. Yikes, right? And it's a vicious cycle because typically, you'd just use a heavy duty cream to soothe dry patches, but for people who are constantly working with their hands—and constantly putting on or taking off gloves—it's not very practical to slather on a slick moisturizer multiple times a day.

One P&G scientist recognized this issue and came up with a solution: Olay Rescue Hand Serum.

Borrowing from their face serum formulations, a small team at Olay assembled to quickly prototype and deliver a non-sticky and fast-absorbing hand serum to donate to medical workers on the frontline. 

The first batch of Olay Rescue Hand Serum was produced earlier this week and will be packed at their Mason facilities next week with the goal of getting this to frontline medical workers across the states by end of May. Amidst the deluge of dreary news we've been reading lately, it's nice to see people show up and lend a helping hand (in this case literally) in ways big and small.

How Long Should You Wash Your Hands? Hot or Cold Water? All of Your Questions, Answered

Jenny Jin Headshot Vertical 2023

Beauty Director

  • Oversees all beauty content at PureWow
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