“46 years old. No makeup and no filter. (One of my besties hates a filter so this is for you) It’s been a hard start to the year. I don’t quite feel myself. But yet I feel like maybe this is all to bring me closer to who I am meant to be. In this feeling of loss and being lost I have found a strange calm and letting go that doesn’t usually come easy to me. I know that I have the greatest kids and husband ever. My brother's hugs heal me. I feel my mom with me every day. My friends make me want to be a better human daily. I have all the things I really need and long truly for nothing other than joyful moments, continuing in the career I love, more time with friends, delicious food and to feel a shift to this year that brings clarity and hopefully the return of a little magic. I have experienced and seen how the world can be cruel to women as they age and yet seen the women I admire become happier, sexier and more powerful with every added number. I am so deeply grateful for this life. I love all who choose to do it by my side and I am ready to give love today to the younger me and the older me because they are my ride or die’s. Sending love to all and cheers to 46!”