Moonfall is a sci-fi film that follows two astronauts named Jocinda Fowler (Berry) and Brian Harper (Patrick Wilson) and conspiracy theorist K.C. Houseman (John Bradley) trying to save the world from annihilation. After the moon is knocked out of orbit and comes hurtling toward Earth, the trio must devise a plan to rescue humanity from extinction.
While Berry plays a prominent role in the film, her character was originally written to be a man. In an exclusive interview with Entertainment Tonight, director Roland Emmerich revealed the reason behind the gender change.
“It was kind of a relatively conscious decision at one point,” he said. “You know, it was more male-oriented and then we kind of said to ourselves, ‘Why can't it be a woman?’ And then you say, ‘Who's kind of cool in a way [that works for this film?],’ and then we come relatively fast to Halle Berry because she's a little bit older and she has done a lot of stuff. And she was the first person to be approached and immediately said, ‘Yes.’”
The film debuted in theaters on February 4 by Lionsgate. On top of that, it’s classified as one of the most expensive independent films of all time.
When it comes to serving on the red carpet, Halle is always here to deliver.
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