
Chrissy Teigen Discovers Super Creepy iPhone Feature

Have you ever used the “smart search” tool in the iOS Photos app on your iPhone? It’s pretty useful for when you want to, say, pull up all of your adorable puppy photos or find a snap of that amazing pizza you had in Italy. But it can also be used for evil—as funniest person on Twitter and all-around awesome human Chrissy Teigen recently discovered.

The Lip Sync Battle host revealed that when you type “brassiere” into the search function of the Photos app, it’ll pull up every single cleavage or boob shot you’ve ever taken.

But here’s the even creepier part (also discovered by genius Teigen): If you type in other risqué words, nothing comes up.

What the heck? Not cool, Apple. Not cool. (But damn, Chrissy, those photos are hot.)

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