Sure, we watch the Golden Globes to ogle the designer dresses and to see celebs accept their prestigious awards in said dresses, but the real fun is in the memes that follow. From Emma Thompson taking the stage accompanied by a martini to Catherine Zeta-Jones getting emojified, here, the 12 best Golden Globes memes that have ever graced the web.
The 12 Best Golden Globes Memes Since Memes Became a Thing
1. When Chrissy Teigen Unleashed The Ugly Cry (2015)
Emotions are tough, people.
2. When Denzel Washington Mimicked Her (2017)
Intentional? Probably not. Amusing? Definitely.
3. When Tommy Lee Jones Channeled Grumpy Cat (2013)
He had fun once. It was terrible.
4. When Emma Thompson Was All Of Us After A Martini (2014)
Louboutins or not, heels are the worst.
5. When Lena Dunham Was Joyce Byers Before There Was A Joyce Byers (2014)
Is it weird that we want a Stranger Things and Girls crossover now? Yes? OK.
6. When Benedict Cumberbatch Was *so* Honored (2016)
“Who? Me?!”
7. When Brendan Fraser Had A Moment (2010)
We’re laughing with you, not at you, Brendan Fraser.
8. When Reese Witherspoon Proved She’s Bff Goals (2018)
The actress’s reaction to Nicole Kidman’s win says it all. Bless your sweet Southern heart, Reese.
9. When Catherine Zeta-jones Became An Emoji (2015)
Brava, to the brilliant soul who Photoshopped this.
10. When Kelly Clarkson Just Couldn’t Keep Her Cool (2018)
To be fair, it was Meryl freaking Streep.
11. When The Fiji Water Girl Made Her Grand Debut (2019)
She was serving up looks…and high-quality water.
12. When Glenn Close Kept A Very Close Watch On Lady Gaga (2019)
Be careful Mother Monster! Haven’t you seen Fatal Attraction?
The 2020 Golden Globes air on NBC at 8 p.m. ET/ 5 p.m. PT on Sunday, January 5. Get ready for some fresh memes.