
New Footage of Amy Schumer Crying After Learning She Was Pregnant Took Us on an Emotional Journey of Our Own

If Amy Schumer is anything, she's honest (OK, and really, really smart and funny too). And her openness about her fertility journey has made so many people struggling silently with the same challenges feel seen. That's probably why while watching the trailer for her upcoming HBO Max docuseries, Expecting Amy, we couldn't help but get the chills when some older footage shows Schumer, straight to cam, shedding tears of joy after learning she was pregnant with her now 1-year-old son, Gene.

While Schumer's never publicly shared that footage before, the Trainwreck star has posted other super personal—but highly relatable—tidbits about her fertility experience. Just this January, she posted a candid shot of her bruised belly with the caption, "I'm a week into IVF and feeling really run down and emotional. If anyone went through it and if you have any advice or wouldn’t mind sharing your experience with me please do. My number is in my bio. We are freezing my eggs and figuring out what to do to give Gene a sibling." 

The stand up also exposes the humorous, totally unglamorous side of parenthood, as well—whether it's breast pumping or hooked up to an IV due to hyperemesis gravidarum, aka the severe nausea she suffered through her pregnancy, and we're sure her new series will highlight the ups and downs as well. 

Expecting Amy premieres on HBO Max July 9.


Executive Editor

  • Lifestyle editor and writer with a knack for long-form pieces
  • Has more than a decade of experience in digital media and lifestyle content on the page, podcast and on-camera
  • Studied English at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor