
These New Pods Are a Small Way You Can Make a Big Impact on Reducing Plastic Waste

Humor us for a minute and think about the cabinet under your sink. How many bottles are under there? 5? 10? 20? You’re stressed out just thinking about it? Yeah, that’s a lot of plastic. Oh, but I recycle, you say. And that’s all well and good. But how about reducing the amount of plastic used in the first place? Enter: Windex® Dissolve™ Concentrated Pods and Scrubbing Bubbles® Dissolve™ Concentrated Pods.

windex scrubbing bubbles dissolve concentrated pods

Your two favorite brands now come in pod form, so you no longer have to sacrifice cleaning power to reduce your plastic waste. With house cleaning happening now more than ever since we’re spending more time at home overall, it’s important that these daily tasks have a positive impact on our environment and Dissolve solves for that. Just drop one pod into an empty bottle, fill up to shoulder with warm water, twist on sprayer and shake until the pod dissolves.

Whoops, already recycled all your bottles? Purchase the starter kit (shown above), which comes with a reusable spray bottle. Otherwise, you can use your existing spray bottle(s) and purchase a refill pack for maximum impact. Then take solace knowing that you’re helping reduce plastic waste by 94 percent with every refill (vs. a 23 oz or larger same-branded sprayer bottle).

Now, how many bottles are under your sink? Oh, just a few. Excellent.

angela pares

VP, Design + Branded Content

Angela Pares is the VP of Design + Branded Content at Gallery Media Group, where she oversees the ideation and execution of sponsored content campaigns across PureWow, ONE37pm and the company’s social portfolio. Angela began her career in copywriting and fashion editorial before joining PureWow in 2012. Since then she has written and edited countless articles and helped produce some of GMG’s top performing content. She lives outside Boston with her husband and 2-year-old.