OK, it’s no secret that we are suckers for a luxe designer bag, so when we find one that’s high-quality and reasonably priced...we’re sold. After securing the Melie Bianco Brigitte Satchel that was making our Bottega Veneta dreams a reality, our heads were quickly turned by none other than Anthropologie’s Fiona. What can’t this PureWow editor-favorite store do?
When TikToker Rima brought these eye-catching beaded purses to the forefront of our minds in her viral video, we knew we had to share it ASAP. “It’s giving STAUD,” she captioned as she perused through the array of designs on display.
From the strap shoulder and beaded detailing to the magnetic closure (more on that in a minute), we break down all the similarities and differences below. (Like how it’s slightly smaller in stature, coming in around 5 inches to STAUD’s 5.5 inches and measuring at 8 inches wide to the designer’s 10.25 inches.) It’s safe to say that either option is a win in our eyes.