The key to creating an interesting outfit is to play with contrasts. This can take just about any form you like—contrasting colors, contrasting textures, contrasting fabrics, etc.—but the method TikTok is currently obsessing over involves experimenting with contrasting shapes, aka the Big, Slim, Skin Principle.
The Big, Slim, Skin Principle Is the Key to Putting Together the Most Flattering Outfits
It’s all about balance

Coined by Amy Smilovic, founder and creative director of Tibi, the Big, Slim, Skin Principle is a super-simple three-item outfit formula anyone can use to build a chic outfit. “Stylistically speaking, striking that just right balance between proportions is the secret sauce,” explains Smilovic. “It’s really that simple: mix something big with something slim, and show a bit of skin for breathing room, whether it’s a rolled-up sleeve or a flash of ankle.” As for what constitutes a big or slim item (or how much skin to show), there’s a lot of wiggle room to play with.
Generally speaking, the Big should be something more voluminous, like wide-leg pants or an oversize button up, but it doesn’t necessarily need to provide a ton of coverage. A flouncy mini skirt or puff sleeve crop top would also count as Big, even if they also show quite a bit of skin. The Slim piece should be something with a pared down silhouette, be that a body-skimming slip dress or minimalist tank top. As for the Skin, no one is requiring you show off your midriff or cleavage—Smilovic doesn’t expect everyone to give away the whole farm just to look chic. Even if you opt for a long-sleeve, crew-neck maxi dress, the Skin component can be included by pushing up your sleeves to show your wrists, sporting sandals rather than sneakers or putting your hair up to pull it away from your neck.

In the example on the left, her roomy cargo pants at the Big, the fitted tank top is the Slim and her exposed arms are the Skin. Meanwhile on the right, the Big would be her cozy sweater and her slip skirt would be the Slim. As for skin, the midi length of her skirt paired with a minimalist shoe helps to break up the fabric.

You also don’t need to be too literal with your interpretations of each Big, Slim and Skin. For the gal on the left, the Big is her maxi dress, even though it has a somewhat streamlined silhouette. All that fabric still feels much “bigger” than her tailored vest. And a flash of ankle, wrist and neck satisfy the Skin component. Meanwhile on the right, both her pants and her blazer are pretty voluminous. But the cinched waist gives the vibes of a Slim clothing item, helped by the V neckline. That exposed collar bone, plus the pushed-up sleeves and minimalist sandals balance all that fabric to maintain a sense of her figure without any need for clingy silhouettes.
Of course, the Big, Slim, Skin Principle isn’t the be-all and end-all of chic outfit combinations. As Smilovic says, “It’s not that all-big or all-slim is bad style,” it’s just that mixing them up is one way in which to add depth and interest to your looks. With only three requirements, it’s a pretty easy checklist to run through before you head out the door in the morning—and who doesn’t love a streamlined morning?