According to Dr. Kim, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting because “all children (even children within the same household) are different, so the parenting style for each child should be one that supports the child’s emotional security and helps them thrive.” And since almost all parenting styles aim to accomplish this in some way, elephant parenting isn’t an inherently better choice.
That said, the elephant parenting ethos does tend to lend itself to the kind of flexibility and emotional sensitivity needed to establish a strong parent-child bond and “any method that strengthens the relationship you have with your child and builds that trust and reassurance will be better for their growth, development, and long-term success,” says Dr. Kim. It’s also worth noting that the adaptability of the elephant parent can be an asset, since “parent-child relationships are bidirectional and it’s important to get cues from your child on what they need from you as a parent.”
Per the expert, “the parent-child relationship is a huge predictor of children’s emotion regulation behaviors and capacities…and research shows that elements of warmth, support, and parental monitoring are related to positive outcomes.” Suffice it to say, the soft and nurturing elephant style definitely checks those boxes. In addition to making kids feel more emotionally supported and nurtured, elephant parenting has the added benefit of giving kids more freedom to explore their individuality and what makes them happy.