
The Breast Pump Fridge Hack That Could Save New Moms Hundreds of Hours

pumping hack

Every new mom knows: Pumping is a total time suck. But the annoying part is this—it’s not the actual pumping that’s the problem, it’s the pump part washing that runs out the clock. Because by the time you’ve washed your shields, valves and membranes (and all other breastfeeding paraphernalia), it’s time to pump again. Here, a breast pump fridge hack that could save you hours.

What you need:

A clean gallon-size resealable plastic bag

What you do:

After your a.m. pumping session, instead of cleaning the parts as you normally would, pop them in a new resealable plastic bag (you’ll need a fresh one every day) and stick them inside the fridge where you keep your breast milk. When it’s time for your next pumping session, take your parts out and attach them to new bottles, then back in the fridge they go.

Why this works:

As long as pump parts stay refrigerated between each use—and you wash parts thoroughly at the end of each day—the milk that’s on them doesn’t spoil, which means you can reattach to your boobs a few times without worry. (Keep in mind, for newborn/premature babies, be sure to read up on all the CDC guidelines for safe hygiene.)

Quickie PSA:

You still need to practice good hygiene (i.e., wash your hands before touching parts, make sure your fridge is clean, etc.), but this trick should make pumping speedier and less labor-intensive. Hooray!

The One Thing Women Can Do to Prepare Themselves for Breastfeeding Success

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Senior Director, Special Projects and Royals

  • Writes and produces family, fashion, wellness, relationships, money and royals content
  • Podcast co-host and published author with a book about the British Royal Family
  • Studied sociology at Wheaton College and received a masters degree in journalism from Emerson College