It’s no secret that boomers and millennials have different opinions when it comes to parenting practices. From “peaceful parenting” to screen time, the two generations don’t always see eye to eye. And that’s OK! As a new mom myself, I’m learning how to forge my own parenting path and take other generation’s advice with a grain of salt. Except for this one thing that boomer grandparents always say that drives me nuts:
“Just wait.”
Just wait until they start crawling…and you have to chase after them. Just wait until they’re talking…and won’t shut up. For every milestone, there’s a Debbie Downer “just wait” to counter your enthusiasm.
And for what? I’m well aware that when my baby starts crawling, I’ll be following after her to grab a stale Cheez-It out of her mouth (or worse). I know that with talking comes the “why?” and “no!” phases. I did, after all, sign up for this.