Whether you’re an INTP (you logician, you), INFP (aka the mediator), ISFJ (did someone call the defender?) or any other Myers-Briggs personality starting with an “I,” you all have something in common: introversion.
And while no introvert is a carbon copy of another, you can probably all agree that spending some time alone is the best way to recharge your soul. So, when it comes to picking the best dog breed for introverts, here’s the one that’s mostly likely to let you decompress on your own without pouncing on your face with a tennis ball in mouth to play.
And that is—drumroll, please—the Pekingese.
Short, compact and basically walking ottomans, Pekingese pups are primed for a life of in-home adventures. And by adventures, we mean naps in cuddly corners of your home.