The trailer introduces viewers to the eight-part series, which follows a man in his mid-forties named Michael (Harris). His world is turned upside-down when his husband of 17 years walks out on him, forcing him to start fresh as a single gay man living in New York City.
The clip doesn’t give too much away, featuring a montage of scenes with Michael partying, meeting new people and destroying a bouquet of roses.
The show’s tagline is: “Break ups suck. But single life doesn’t have to.”
In addition to Harris, the show also stars Emerson Brooks (Billy), Colin Hanlon (Jonathan), Jay Santiago (Freddy), Marcia Gay Harden (Claire), Tisha Campbell (Suzanne), Ajay Naidu (Raffi), Tuc Watkins (Colin), Dan Amboyer (Luke) and Brooks Ashmanskas (Stanley).
Uncoupled will hit Netflix on July 29. See you there.
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