
Princess Diana Had the Sheep Sweater; Kate Middleton's Iconic Look Is *This*

As far as iconic Princess Diana fashion goes, the black-and-white sheep sweater (designed by Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne of the knit-wear label Warm & Wonderful and first worn by Diana in June 1981 just ahead of her wedding to Prince Charles) takes the royal cake.

Not only did Diana wear it more than once, we recently learned from royal fashion expert Elizabeth Holmes that she owned two versions of it. A signature look? Perhaps. At the very least, it was an important part of her wardrobe—and one that sent a message. (Of course, what could have simply been an attempt at humor way back when took on newfound significance following her death.)

kate middleton skinny jeans scouts event
WPA Pool/Getty Images

Still, when Bethan Holt, author of The Duchess of Cambridge: A Decade of Royal Style, joined us on the latest episode of the Royally Obsessed podcast, we had to ask: Does Kate Middleton have her own version of the sheep sweater (meaning a look that has that same level of recognition) inside her royal closet?

She does! Holt explained, “There’s nothing that’s quite as naughty as the sheep sweater or tinged with that rebelliousness, but I do think skinny jeans are Kate’s [most iconic style] because, for loads of people, when they think of Kate, they think of skinny jeans.”

kate middleton skinny jeans
Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images

They also have a surprise factor that’s on par with Diana’s sheep sweater. “Skinny jeans have become a real classic look for Kate, but they’re also unexpected from a royal in the same way that the sheep sweater was,” Holt explained. “I think it’s something that women everywhere would wear, and it’s a way that Kate shows her normality. It would be nice to see her in something with a little bit more rebellion, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

Royal time will tell? In the meantime, we’ll be busting out our skinny jeans.

For more from Bethan Holt, listen to her recent appearance on the Royally Obsessed podcast with co-hosts Rachel Bowie and Roberta Fiorito. Subscribe now or follow us on Instagram @royallyobsessedpodcast.

Listen to the full podcast below.

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Senior Director, Special Projects and Royals

  • Writes and produces family, fashion, wellness, relationships, money and royals content
  • Podcast co-host and published author with a book about the British Royal Family
  • Studied sociology at Wheaton College and received a masters degree in journalism from Emerson College