The popular film is a sequel to Code 8, which premiered in 2019. The new movie takes place five years after the events in the first installment, and it’s set in a fictional world where four percent of the population has special abilities. (They’re known as PWPs, or “people with powers.”)
The original movie ends with Connor and Garrett parting ways, but in the brand-new sequel, they’re forced to reunite when they’re faced with a new threat. It all starts when a 14-year-old girl is targeted by a group of corrupt police officers, which prompts the criminal duo to jump into action.
Code 8: Part II stars Robbie and Stephen Amell, who are reprising their roles from the first movie. Other cast members include Sirena Gulamgaus, Altair Vincent, Alex Mallari Jr., Moe Jeudy-Lamour, Aaron Abrams and Jean Yoon.