We love trying new beauty products as much as the next person, but there is something to be said for a product that withstands the test of time—especially in a world where we are constantly inundated with new launches. Meet Long Haul: A place for us to share the products that are more than a flash in the pan and have earned a permanent spot in our lives because they’re just that good.
My best friend and I talk about how there are things that we enjoy in theory more than actuality. Her example: Riding boats. For me, it’s wearing sheet masks. I love the idea of them, but I rarely feel like sitting around with a cold, drippy cloth over my face for 20 minutes.
Still, when the weather is changing or I haven’t slept well and my face looks like a desiccated prune, there is only one thing that provides immediate relief to my dry, lackluster skin and that’s Mediheal’s N.M.F Intense Hydrating Mask.