At night, try a little trick called...
Acupressure Therapy
Oops, you fell for that afternoon mocha latte again and now you can’t turn your brain off. Try acupressure to soothe your nerves and calm your body (and mind) before bed. To try it yourself, look for the points H7 and P3 on your wrists and arms. Then, using your middle or index finger, gently press the points for one minute while taking long, slow, deep breaths. These areas are said to relieve anxiety, and the one on your wrists also helps to fight insomnia.

At Night, Start Working In a...
Skin-care Savior
Squinting at a screen does a number on your skin – you know that already. It’s why you use an anti-aging serum like #1 Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair as your first line of defense against client-induced wrinkles. But you’re starting to notice that it’s not enough. The solution? You need to work a new tandem creme into your night routine. Estée Lauder Revitalizing Supreme + finishes what Advanced Night Repair started, to help repair the look of those worry lines while you get your beauty rest. It's the fountain-of-youth-dream-team, if you will.
At Night, Get Casual with...
Restorative Yoga
Sure, you take extended bathroom breaks and short walks to the water cooler, but sitting in a chair all day, hunched over your computer screen, cannot be good for your posture. To prevent aches, stiffness and (God forbid) permanent damage, work a few restorative yoga poses into your routine. Get down on the floor for a solid minute each of cat-cow, cobra, revolved triangle and pigeon pose. They’ll release your muscles and reverse spine compression, helping you to sleep better.
At Night, Start Using...
Night Shift Mode
Don’t freak out--we’re not asking you to ditch your phone. We just want you to get into the habit of using Night Shift Mode. It’s the secret setting on your iPhone that lets you customize your screen’s color temperature according to your sleep schedule. (Surprise, too much of that blue light is really hindering your melatonin production.) Simply go to Settings, select Display and Brightness and then toggle the button to Scheduled. Adjust the color temperature of your screen to More Warm and specify the times you want it to turn on automatically. This small change will make it easier to fall asleep and stay that way when the group chat picks up at 12 a.m.

At Night, Take Time For a...
Make-Ahead Breakfast
Your mornings are a whirlwind. You consistently skip breakfast in lieu of five extra minutes to properly put on mascara, and you almost always forget to pack a lunch. Your best bet? Use your night routine to plan ahead. Since preparing a nutritious breakfast is probably the most neglected part of your morning, solve this by whipping up a make-ahead recipe, like these jars of overnight oats. Besides being heart healthy, steel-cut oats may also improve your complexion since they aren’t packed with sugar, like most instant oatmeal packets are. Instead, you’ll get a flavor boost from spices, fruit and a touch of honey.